
Posts Tagged ‘credential’
April 5th, 2011 at 11:15 am
India Experiencing the Wrong Kind of Growth

The Wall Street Journal reports that India’s explosive growth in college graduates isn’t translating into employment for millions of newly minted degree holders.  The biggest problem: lack of critical thinking and communication skills.

To compensate, companies are spending large sums of money coaching graduates into employability.  According to one Indian business executive, the problem is the credential mentality infecting education:

“How are you able to change the mind-set that knowledge is more than a stamp?”

Sound familiar?  American higher education too is tempted to treat knowledge-building as a service rather than a task.  When students are treated like customers, the link between effort and reward is broken.  The result is a certification that doesn’t translate into employment.

With half of India’s 1.2 billion population under the age of 25, up to a million new workers a month are estimated to join the labor force over the next decade.  If India continues down the path of graduating young people without critical thinking skills, those workers – and the growing Indian economy – will be in serious trouble.