
Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’
December 22nd, 2022 at 11:35 am
Image of the Day: Public Trust in Media Sinks to New Low
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In the wake of the outrageous and still-unfolding Twittergate revelations, one can’t intelligently contend that they haven’t earned their unpopularity, but according to a new I&I/TIPP survey that’s worth reading in its entirety, public trust in media has plummeted to a new record low:

Trust in Media Hits New Low

Trust in Media Hits New Low

January 22nd, 2021 at 12:29 pm
Image of the Day: Trust In Media Plummets to New Low
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Here’s something that ought to terrify the self-appointed gatekeepers of our national discourse in the mainstream media.  Amid their widespread campaign of censorship, especially conservative and libertarian voices, trust in media overall has plummeted to a new low, falling below 50% for the first time ever:



February 19th, 2016 at 10:42 am
Tweet Post: Fast Tool for Election Results and Commentary
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Reminder to CFIF Freedom Line blog readers:  When following debate performances, election results, or other breaking news stories of significant interest to conservatives and libertarians, our Tweet Post is a remarkable tool for real-time information, analysis and perspective.  Featuring a who’s who of commentary and news analysis, it is generally faster and more up-to-date than any other source.  Try it.  We guarantee you will like it.

To use, click here or on the homepage Tweet Post logo.  To learn more, click here.

June 26th, 2014 at 1:02 pm
Follow CFIF on Twitter
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Don’t miss CFIF’s latest news, commentary and alerts in real time and help us double our Twitter followers in the next two weeks.

Follow us here.

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June 10th, 2013 at 7:03 pm
More Problems for a Hillary Clinton 2016 Run

On the day Hillary Clinton joins Twitter, the Washington Post reports that her popularity is dipping as Independents turn a bit sour on the former Secretary of State, U.S. Senator, and First Lady.

A big factor affecting the public’s perception of Clinton is the Benghazi scandal that helped to accelerate her exit from office. Because of her defiant testimony in the aftermath of the terrorist-led killings of four Americans, congressional investigators have been laying the groundwork to summon her to Capitol Hill to clarify her remarks, and this time as a private citizen.

A private citizen with an eye toward running for President of the United States in 2016, that is. So far, Clinton has been able to avoid culpability for Benghazi, in part because the fiasco seems like anomaly in an otherwise scandal-free tenure at State.

But as of today, that perception may be changing. Radically.

CBS News is reporting that “Uncovered documents show the U.S. State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal behavior ranging from sexual assaults to an underground drug ring.”

An internal investigation now made public cites examples of an ambassador being allowed to continue at his post despite deliberately losing his security detail “to solicit sexual favors from prostitutes,” and several instances where investigators “were simply told to back off investigations of high-ranking State Department members.”

If this story gets legs – and with all the attention paid to whistleblowers at the moment, I expect it will – it looks like the Hillary 2016 speculation will first have to overcome revelations of gross mismanagement that enabled criminal behavior and exposed four Americans to a deadly, and avoidable, attack.

Not exactly the profile of a future president.

June 29th, 2012 at 7:32 am
Follow CFIF on Twitter
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Don’t miss CFIF’s latest news, commentary and alerts in real time and help us double our Twitter followers in the next two weeks.

Follow us here.

September 9th, 2010 at 12:23 pm
Follow CFIF on Twitter

After an unfortunately long hiatus, the Center for Individual Freedom is back up on Twitter.  Please follow us here.

In addition, please follow CFIF’s “One More Vote” campaign to stop the reckless spending in Washington, D.C. here.

January 27th, 2010 at 4:46 pm
Follow CFIF on Twitter for State of the Union Coverage
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The Center for Individual Freedom will be tweeting live during tonight’s State of the Union Address and subsequent Republican response.

President Obama’s address begins around 9:00 p.m. (EST) tonight.

You can follow CFIF on Twitter by clicking here.

January 19th, 2010 at 5:55 pm
Follow CFIF for Election Night Coverage
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Tonight, CFIF will be tweeting live during Election Night in Massachusetts.  The race is a pure tossup between Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley.

When in doubt, though, we trust the markets.  Intrade, the betting market for all things political, currently predicts that Brown has an 84% chance of winning, a huge increase from earlier this month.

You can learn more and follow CFIF on Twitter by clicking here.

Click here to follow us on Facebook.

November 4th, 2009 at 12:57 pm
Follow CFIF on Twitter and Facebook
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The Center for Individual Freedom is up on Twitter and Facebook.  We currently have over 750 followers on Twitter and 285 members on our Facebook group.

Click here to follow our updates on Twitter.

Click here to join our Facebook group.

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October 14th, 2009 at 1:37 pm
NASA is A-Twitter with a New Marketing Possibility

Say you’re a career civil servant who’s looking for a way to package old wine in a new wine skin. You don’t have the budget for hiring hot marketing talent or revamping your website. What to do? Invite a flock of twitterers to tweet about your work. Of course, this strategy is probably a bit easier to implement if you’re a NASA scientist offering prime seating at a shuttle launch in exchange for good publicity in the form of electronic sentence fragments. If nothing else, it will probably be a better show than watching a delivery of supplies to the International Space Station.  To be sure, transparency in government is usually a good thing, but do we really need to spend taxpayer money sharing footage of the space equivalent of a trucker delivering goods to a grocery store?