CFIF Christmas Quiz Print
By CFIF Staff
Thursday, December 17 2015

Take our 12-Question Christmas Quiz and test your knowledge of Christmas-related Americana.

(Answer key may be found at the bottom)

1. General George Washington crossed the Delaware River on which one of the following nights in 1776 to surprise (and defeat) the Hessian garrison at Trenton, NJ? 

a. Christmas Eve
b. Christmas Day
c. New Year’s Eve
d. New Year’s Day

2. Who was the first U.S. President to spend Christmas in the White House?

a. George Washington
b. John Adams
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. James Madison

3. The Battle of Christmas Island took place during which of the following conflicts?

a. Revolutionary War
b. World War I
c. World War II
d. War Between the States

4. Which of the following was the first state to designate Christmas as a public holiday?

a. Alabama
b. Connecticut
c. Pennsylvania
d. South Carolina

5. Which of the following was the last of the 48 contiguous states to designate Christmas as a public holiday?

a. Arizona
b. Alaska
c. Oklahoma
d. West Virginia

6. In which one of the following years did Congress declare Christmas to be a federal holiday?

a. 1776
b. 1781
c. 1870
d. 1890

7. Before declaring Christmas to be a federal holiday, Congress waited for which of the following to occur?

a. Three stars in the night sky
b. A petition by the ACLU
c. A synod of religious leaders
d. Legalization of the holiday by a majority of the States

8. Which of the following Presidents replaced the traditional candles on the White House Christmas tree with electric lights?

a. John Adams
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Grover Cleveland
d. Theodore Roosevelt

9. Which one of the following First Ladies started the tradition of “themed” White House Christmas trees?

a. Abigail Adams
b. Frances Cleveland
c. Jacqueline Kennedy
d. Eleanor Roosevelt

10. The first National Christmas Tree was lit by the President of the United States on December 24 of which one of the following years?

a. 1787
b. 1818
c. 1923
d. 1945

11. In anticipation of which one of the following events was the National Christmas Tree topped with a four-foot green and gold replica of the Liberty Bell?

a. America’s Bicentennial
b. Return of the Iran Hostages
c. Inauguration of Barack Obama
d. Beginning of the 21st Century

12. Which one of the following Presidents prohibited cut Christmas trees in the White House during his term in office?

a. John Adams
b. John Quincy Adams
c. Theodore Roosevelt
d. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from everyone at the Center for Individual Freedom!

Answers: 1(b); 2(b); 3(c); 4(a); 5(c); 6(c); 7(d); 8(c); 9(c); 10(c); 11(a); 12(c)