Obama’s Waterloo? Katrina? Iranian Hostage Crisis? Bay of Pigs? Watergate? Killer Rabbit? Print
By CFIF Staff
Thursday, June 03 2010
There are many potential political disaster analogies left to go as the aforementioned and new Obama crises play themselves out. There is one, however, that signals for sure that a presidency is dead. That is the “attack of the killer rabbit.” Wait for it, perhaps not too long.

When Senator Jim DeMint mentioned, many moons ago, that ObamaCare would become President Obama’s Waterloo, millions of U.S. schoolchildren, taught more about rap music than world history, were sent scurrying to reference books, unclear as to why an American president would have a European toilet.

The short answer is he’s in it.

Now, a media which previously couldn’t decide whether walking on water or feeding his throngs with only two little fishes and five loaves of bread would be Obama’s greatest accomplishment are arguing among themselves as to how to analogize every new disaster. 

When most were satisfied to label the administration’s response to the BP oil gusher as Obama’s Katrina, the Washington Post, in a headline, wrote “Forget Katrina:  Is BP Obama’s Waterloo?”  Sorry, guys, as Napoleon himself learned, you get only one Waterloo, and that one’s already taken.  Never wanting to be outdone, Chris Matthews decided BP is Iranian Hostage Crisis, with David Broder following with the articulate version.

From a specific policy perspective, ObamaCare is still at the top of a long list of contrived miscalculations.  The revelations regarding the house of cards it is built upon just keep coming.  Pick a subject.  Not what you were told.  Just today, The New York Times devotes considerable space to a front page story outlining the flaws in a study much touted by the administration that supposedly demonstrated that good health care is not cost dependent.  Just yesterday, the Daily Caller exposed the inability of HHS to keep up with its specific obligations under the law, although the propaganda document extolling its virtues to Medicare recipients (older voters) got out at light speed.

That is before we get to the stimulus, the bailouts, the attempts to slide some union vigorish into just about every bill coming out of the congressional swamp, regardless of subject.

That is before a national debt that just crossed $13 trillion, with a counter moving so fast that one fears being hit in the eye by flying numbers.  That is before a national security policy that won’t even articulate the threat and a foreign policy that would make Neville Chamberlain proud and Dr. Strangelove seem sane.

Those are all serious, consequential policy issues, most of which have been undertaken against the wishes of or outside the realm of understanding by the American people or sizable constituencies thereof.  The residual expense of all, in lost lives and treasure, will be felt for years beyond the Obama presidency.  The BP oil gusher is but the inevitable accident demonstrating fundamental incompetence and the limitations of big government, which Rush Limbaugh has perhaps most accurately termed Obama’s “Bay of Rigs.”

Yet all that, even in truncated outline, is before we get to Obama’s Watergate, now emerging on several fronts as two-bit job offers and job-and-money-seeking replacing the two-bit Watergate burglary of yore.

First, the corruption trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich begins today, largely centered on Blago’s attempts to sell or barter President Obama’s former Senate seat.  We have no idea what new revelations it portends, but we could write one headline to cover every daily news story:  Political Sleaze.

The trial may do real, measurable damage to all it touches.  It may not.  But it will not enhance political reputations or make anyone in this country feel any better about the honesty and honor of our political class.  It is an ill political wind that will blow all summer from the windy city.

With that as daily polluting breeze, it is now clear that the Obama administration made some kind of job offers to both Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania and Andrew Romanoff of Colorado with the intention of getting them to withdraw from U.S. Senate Democratic primary races in favor of the administration’s chosen candidates.

In the case of Sestak (see video), there is the added sleaze of former President Bill Clinton as mob emissary.  In the case of Romanoff, there is something of a paper trail in the form of an email sent to Romanoff by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina outlining three potential jobs.  There is also one prior direct denial by the White House.

Yesterday, the White House acknowledged the outline of the job offer to Romanoff.  Yet here is part of a Denver Post story dated September 27, 2009:  “The White House said that no job was ever offered to Romanoff and that it would be wrong to suggest administration officials tried to buy him out of the contest.

“‘Mr. Romanoff was never offered a position within the administration,’ said White House spokesman Adam Abrams.”

Last week, an independent counsel was a long shot.  This week, it’s an even bet.

There are many potential political disaster analogies left to go as the aforementioned and new Obama crises play themselves out.  There is one, however, that signals for sure that a presidency is dead.  That is the “attack of the killer rabbit” (see Jimmy Carter).

Wait for it, perhaps not too long.