Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath Water Print
Thursday, November 17 2011

R&B Diva Patti LaBelle is being sued by a New York woman who accuses LaBelle of throwing half a bottle of water, and some curse words, at her and her 18-month-old daughter.

The scuffle allegedly took place in a New York City apartment building lobby after the Grammy Award-winning singer chastised resident Roseanna Monk for letting her toddler take some steps away from her in the Manhattan lobby.  After telling LaBelle it was none of her business, Monk claims LaBelle lashed out and hurled the water and curse words at them.

"One thing I remember her saying is 'I hope you have a terrible life.' And I heard a lot of f-words," Monk said.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.  According to news reports, Monk claimed she hadn't planned on suing LaBelle until after she heard about an incident that happened last summer involving a West Point cadet who got into a scuffle with LaBelle's bodyguards at a Houston airport.  The cadet sued LaBelle; LaBelle countersued the cadet.

—Source: (San Jose, CA)