A Fruit Suit Print
Thursday, January 12 2012

A Sacramento (CA) woman is suing juice giant Tropicana, alleging it is using false advertising because its juice is not 100% pure and natural.

In a 25-page federal lawsuit, Angelena Lewis claims she would not have purchased the juice if the bottle had been labeled correctly.  "While Tropicana claims that 'making Tropicana orange juice is truly an art' it is far more a science," said the complaint filed in Sacramento.  "The resulting product does not taste like fresh squeezed orange juice."

Apparently, the bottle says the juice is pasteurized, which allows it to last longer on store shelves. Tropicana’s website says the Pure Premium brand has 16 fresh-picked oranges in each 59-ounce container.  A statement issued by Tropicana indicated that it "remains committed to offering great-tasting 100 percent orange juice with no added sugars or preservatives.  We take the faith that consumers place in our products seriously and are committed to full compliance with labeling laws and regulations."

According to news sources, some local shoppers weren't buying the lawsuit.  “You want the real orange juice, well squeeze your own. No I’m sorry, then you know it would be 100%,” said Carnelia Smith, a shopper.

—Sources:  sacramento.cbslocal.com, consumerist.com