A Raisin in the Court Print
Thursday, January 12 2017

A California woman is suing Raisinets-maker Nestlé SA for allegedly under-filling its boxes of candy.

According to the lawsuit, Sandy Hafer purchased a box of Raisinets in an opaque movie-theater-style container and, after opening the box, discovered it was only 60% full. Hafer claims Nestlé engaged in "deceptive packaging" and that she would not have purchased the candy if she had known the box was not full of chocolate-coated raisins.

The lawsuit seeks at least $5 million in damages to refund (plus interest) every California moviegoer who purchased a box containing "slack fill" - the government's term for empty space in a container. The lawsuit says the 40% of space in Nestlé’s boxes of Raisinets that is empty is “non-functional,” since the candy isn’t “susceptible to cracking, breaking or crumbling like potato chips in a bag would be.”

“All Nestlé products and labels comply with FDA regulations and provide consumers the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions,” a Nestlé spokeswoman said.

Source:  blogs.wsj.com