A Race to the Courthouse Print
Wednesday, January 18 2017

A Tennessee family is suing a mall management group and owner, alleging that they suffered injuries during a human stampede on what they claim to be the busiest shopping day of the year, December 26, 2016.

According to news reports and the plaintiffs' legal filing, Teriance, Carol and TeCara Copeland were shopping at Hamilton Place Mall in Chattanooga, Tennessee, when a group of individuals set off fireworks in the food court area, allegedly causing "panic and a human stampede" that resulted in injuries to the plaintiffs.

"The Defendants were under an obligation to provide adequate security to prevent the human stampede from occurring," the lawsuit states.

The Copelands are seeking $150,000 in damages and charge that the mall should have had procedures in place to prevent a stampede.

Source: wrcbtv.com