Sue Everyone for Everything Print
Wednesday, November 25 2009

Talk about throwing in the kitchen sink, which may be the only thing missing from the lawsuit filed by a Bay area man against the San Francisco International Airport, the airline carriers that service it, the couple who sold the plaintiff his $1.4 million home, the realtor and her company, and hundreds of other defendants, some unknown.

Former civil litigation attorney Stanley Hilton filed the $15 million lawsuit alleging that jet noise and air pollution ruined his marriage, and caused a nosedive in his health and professional career.  Hilton claims the reverse propulsion of jets bounces off the hilly surroundings and creates a reverberating, intolerable boom that he likened to bombs dropping in a war zone.

"The marriage went downhill almost immediately upon moving to this location," Hilton said.  "The house became extremely uncomfortable with the smog and the noise, and it caused enormous problems that led to the divorce."

Hilton, who in August was deemed ineligible to practice law, is no stranger to lawsuits.  In August, he sued a San Mateo building owner for $20 million after he got stuck in the building's elevator and allegedly developed a phobia to riding in elevators.  In 2002, Hilton filed a $7 billion federal class action lawsuit against the Bush Administration alleging its complicity in allowing the attacks on 9/11.
