The fight between the Tea Party and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is heating up again. The Daily Caller says that the group quietly gave money to Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Dick Lugar (R-IN), and Olympia Snowe (R-ME), among other incumbents.
Tea Party activists are claiming the NRSC is once again trying to influence GOP primaries that are likely to be contested between establishment types and newer blood fiscal conservatives. But although Lugar has an official Tea Party opponent (Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock), no official challenger has filed paperwork against Hatch and Snowe. (Though Rep. Jason Chaffetz is widely expected to compete against Hatch.)
The complaints of NRSC favoritism have more sway in Lugar’s case since Mourdock is actively campaigning against him. If the Tea Party wants to make its point heard in the other cases, it better get challengers like Chaffetz to get off the fence and into the race.