With the unwashed masses “occupying” Wall Street and other financial centers throughout the country, Community-Organizer-in-Chief Barack Obama is trying to convince the protesters of crony capitalism that their grievance is really his. From today’s Wall Street Journal:
Asked about the demonstrations that have spread to cities across the U.S., Mr. Obama empathized with protesters’ frustrations without embracing the movement: “The American people understand that not everybody has been following the rules; that Wall Street is an example of that.”
Haven’t been following the rules? How’s this for a list of people not following the rules:
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner fails to pay federal income taxes while working at the taxpayer-supported International Monetary Fund
- Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius grants over 1,000 ObamaCare waivers – many of them to unions
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu rubber stamps another taxpayer subsidy to Solyndra after the company defaulted on a $535 million loan (the company couldn’t get sufficient venture capital funding but did grease the skids to get taxpayer money thanks to an Obama fundraiser – who was also an investor – pulling strings)
- Attorney General Eric Holder lies to Congress about allowing a criminally stupid ‘gun-walking’ program at ATF to continue that sends 2,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels, killing a Border Patrol Agent
- Education Secretary Arne Duncan violates the No Child Left Behind law by unilaterally issuing waivers that require recipients to accept White House dictated regulations that cannot get through Congress – an unheard of abuse of the waiver process
I could go on, but I think the point is made. The American people are viscerally aware of a politically connected elite waging war on the rule of law. But it’s the Tea Party, not those squatting outside America’s nodes of commerce, that has identified the biggest threat to prosperity. It’s time to occupy the White House and the Cabinet with people who not only respect the law, but also know how to grow the economy in a real, free market fashion.