With Fox News reporting that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will “stay around” for another year before stepping down, names are already circulating about his possible replacement.
Among those mentioned is Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, the official told Fox News.
Other names being mention on Capitol Hill are Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, a former state attorney general.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s name also has been mentioned, a source told Fox News.
Of these, my bet would be on Deval Patrick. In his second term as Massachusetts’ governor, he’s probably looking for something else to do now that he’s put Romneycare on the way to bankruptcy. Also, as a former Clinton era Department of Justice official, Patrick’s resume checks the right box to lead DOJ.
Most importantly, would Patrick be worse than Holder? That’s hard to imagine. In the Obama Administration, that’s a potential improvement worth supporting; the sooner the better.