Jim Treacher of The Daily Caller does a public service by compiling all the data points on the man who started the booing of Paul Ryan as the latter walked to Barack Obama’s second inauguration.
Dan Freeman, a civil service (i.e. technically non-political) hire at the Department of Justice’s Voting Rights section, said on his Facebook page that he “Just started the booing when Paul Ryan came out.” Helpfully, Freeman gave his location as “United States Capitol.”
Sleuthing by the blogosphere netted biographical nuggets like Freeman’s involvement in the Yale Law Democrats, and internships for liberal activist groups. Among his responsibilities was undermining the Bush Administration’s national security strategy by challenging the state secrets privilege in court. He also helped defend terrorists at Guantanamo Bay.
If you’re wondering when Freeman had time to learn federal election law, he didn’t. But at Eric Holder’s Justice Department, the relevant experience was met checking all the liberal activist boxes.
And, thanks to civil service protection, Freeman will have his position for as long as he wants it, regardless of who becomes the Attorney General, or for that matter, President of the United States.