“Just 35 percent of voters now support the Affordable Care Act, down 3 percentage points from May, according to a monthly poll by the Kaiser Health Foundation,” reports The Hill.
Moreover, the poll found that 47 percent of respondents feel negatively about the law, otherwise known as ObamaCare.
The RealClearPolitics average of six national polls is even worse: 53.8 percent say they oppose the law, with only 40.3 percent in favor.
Little wonder that the controversial health law is so unpopular. States are continuing to resist Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare’s terms for fear of a Trojan horse spending spree, and consumers are getting shut out of some of the country’s best hospitals.
All this and it is still almost two months until the midterm elections.
President Barack Obama may not be on the ballot this year, but his eponymous health law surely is.