Conservatives can be forgiven for thinking that every member of the liberal establishment has read and memorized Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. The subject of Hillary Clinton’s college senior thesis and the inspiration for a young Barack Obama’s zeal for community organizing, the Rules stand alongside Chairman Mao’s little red book in the Leftist’s canon. But time and again, the liberals running the Democratic Party into the ground seem to be as clueless about the rules as they are about the laws of economic gravity.
Consider Rule #12: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. On some level, liberals knew this when they spent the better part of a year castigating Republicans as ‘The Party of No’. They knew that the public wouldn’t accept the GOP as a credible governing party until it produced a constructive alternative. (Though worthy of support, Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) Roadmap for America’s Future has yet to gain widespread acceptance in the GOP caucus.) With this week’s ‘Pledge to America’ the GOP is now a party with a constructive alternative.
The field is open, liberals. And time is dwindling.
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