The Cartoons of Michael Ramirez
A self described "equal opportunity offender," Michael Ramirez is a forty-something, Pulitzer Prize and Mencken Award-winning cartoonist...[more]
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Now Do I Look Like a Muslim to You Another Perfect Drive By Obama She Is From Ciudad Juarez Recovery Summer Recalled Vacation in Mexico It Is The Economy Stupid New Obama Campaign Slogan Iran Nukes Go Take a Flying Leap White House on Building Mosque Dead End Economic Recovery, Maybe Try Some Leeches It Is a Freedom of Religion Thing Recovery Kite The Jobs Numbers Still Look Bad Obama to Business - Dive In the Economy is Fine The Unfinished Portrait of Barack Obama Uh Oh, We Drained The Swamp Let Them Eat Gulf Shrimp Illegals Throw Out The Anchor Blaming Bush But Taking Credit for Iraq Surge Pelosi Draining the Swamp of Corruption You Cannot Have People Enforcing Fed Law AZ Police Obligation To Remain Silent
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