Study: List of ‘Occupy’ Supporters Includes Racists, Terrorists, Communists… and Obama |
By Ashton Ellis
Thursday, November 03 2011 |
In an interview with ABC News last month, President Barack Obama sympathized with the Occupy Wall Street Movement, saying, “I understand the frustrations being expressed in those protests. In some ways, they’re not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party. Both on the left and the right, I think people feel separated from their government. They feel that their institutions aren’t looking out for them.” Obama’s insinuation that the Constitution-inspired Tea Party movement shares anything in common with the economically illiterate anarchists populating the Occupy slums is insulting. Tea Party members want the federal government to stop spending and regulating the economy to death, and instead return to its constitutionally prescribed limits. By contrast, a list of Occupy supporters compiled by Pajamas Media shows that what the funders and mouthpieces of this unwashed mass want is nothing less than the total destruction of the American system of government as we know it. • Racists: American Nazi Party, Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam), David Duke, Black Panthers, White Revolution Who knew the Occupiers could inspire such a diverse mixture of race-baiters into its own rainbow coalition? There hasn’t been this much agreement among American racists since Iran’s last anti-Israel conference. Which brings us to our next group… • Terrorists: Ayatollah Khamenei (Supreme Leader of Iran), Government of North Korea, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hezbollah If brutally repressive regimes like Iran and North Korea see something to like in the Occupy squalor, it’s probably the potential for recruiting self-deluded college graduates claiming they were “lied to” about the value of higher education. Note to protestors: A college degree is a privilege, not a right, and if anything it grants the holder an opportunity to compete for a better life, not an entitlement to one. • Communists and Socialists: Communist Party USA, Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Party USA, Industrial Workers of the World, Communist Party of China, International Bolshevik Tendency, International Socialist Organization, Marxist Student Union, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Party for Socialism and Liberation These groups have received the lion’s share of attention in media accounts, and rightly so. Much like the protesters in Wisconsin over Republican Governor Scott Walker’s collective bargaining reforms, the Occupiers’ agenda is framed around a collectivist mindset that puts service to the state above wealth generation in the private sector. Remember when thousands of Wisconsin public school teachers occupied the state capitol, shutting down the government over the “outrageous” proposal to make the state’s budget solvent? What started in Madison is now happening in every major American city. The tactic is as old as Lenin and was taught by Alinsky. Speaking of… • And of course, Liberals: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi A bleeding heart bystander trying to give the president the benefit of the doubt might be tempted to let his Tea Party = Occupy comparison be ignored, if the Opiner-in-Chief had later distanced himself from those comments. Instead, Obama is actively adopting the language of the Occupy movement into his own political rhetoric, giving an even shriller tone to his tired class warfare demagoguery. In last Saturday’s weekly address, the president borrowed the Occupier’s “1% vs. 99%” slogan to explain where the middle class should be directing its ire. “The average income for the top one percent has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. ... And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed.” Leave it a liberal president who passed Obamacare and federalized the college loan industry to blame entrepreneurs, financiers and business moguls for raising the cost of health care and college tuition. The truth is that there is a reason the Occupy supporters “feel separated from their government,” and it’s not because of some interpretive disagreement over the extent of federal power to intervene in the economy. Racists, terrorists and communists feel separated from the United States government because the United States Constitution is diametrically opposed to their agendas. The Civil War and the 14th Amendment settled the question of race by enshrining the idea of a color-blind society. Terrorists by definition prefer violence and death to reason and argument, the latter being the linchpins of the Constitution’s system of separation of powers, checks and balances. And since the dawn of the Communist project in America, the movement’s leaders have openly acknowledged their intent to infiltrate and overthrow the nation’s unique, successful synthesis of democratic-capitalism. An old proverb says that you can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps. By supporting with the Occupy Wall Street movement and adopting its language, Barack Obama is showing where his sympathies lie. |
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