From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default…
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Image of the Day: Climate Change Causing Wildfires? No.

From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in California or elsewhere:


[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="874"] Climate Change? No.[/caption]


January 17, 2025 • 07:50 AM

Liberty Update

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151 Biden Is a Threat to Democracy

President Joe Biden is pitching himself as the savior of democracy. "I will always defend, protect, and fight for our democracy," he said at a campaign event last week in New York City. He's been saying it for four years. It's a blatant lie. He's the king of censorship, silencing his critics like a despot and even trying to defend his censorship…

152 Hey, Republicans: Don't Forget About Growth and Prosperity

House Republicans are in another titanic battle with President Joe Biden on how to balance the budget. Actually, it's a lopsided debate because Democrats have no interest at all in reducing the deficit. They are operating under the delusional idea paradigm of "Modern Monetary Theory," which posits that the U.S. government can borrow $2 trillion…

153 Replacing Biden Won’t Improve “Bidenomics”

Democrats find themselves suffering a deepening panic as Joe Biden trails almost every potential Republican 2024 opponent, even according to CNN’s latest survey.   A multitude of performance failures explain Biden’s stubborn unpopularity, and the net disapproval from which he hasn’t recovered began in the wake of his disastrous…

154 Biden Lays a Booby Trap For a Republican President

The Biden administration is setting a booby trap in case a Republican wins the presidency in 2024.  On Friday, the White House unveiled a proposed rule that would make it even harder than in the past for an incoming Republican president to wrestle control of the left-leaning federal bureaucracy and actually implement the conservative policies…

155 The Mystery of the Missing F-35

It was one of the weirdest stories in years. The U.S. military lost a state-of-the-art F-35 fighter jet, last seen flying pilotless over North Charleston, South Carolina, and was asking the public for help in finding the $80 million plane. As South Carolina Republican Rep. Nancy Mace said: "How in the hell do you lose an F-35?" The military…

156 Biden's Killing the American Dream of Homeownership

In boasting about Bidenomics two weeks ago in Milwaukee, President Joe Biden declared that his policies are "restoring the American dream." Then he went into his creepy whispering mode and assured us "it's working." Huh? Isn't a big aspiration of the American dream owning a home? Biden keeps making first-time homeownership harder…

157 Blue City Blues

Eric Adams is trying to con us into believing New York City is "thriving." Sorry, Mr. Mayor, but we're not wearing rose-colored glasses.  On Sunday, Adams spoke at a brunch for New York Sun supporters at The American Hotel in tony Sag Harbor, New York. He said, "The city is not coming back. We're back back." Apparently…

158 Why Won't COVID Lockdown Artists Admit They Were Wrong?

COVID mania just won't go away. The deadly strains of the virus have been gone for two years now, and yet the recent outbreak of a mild flu-like variant is again stoking panic on the Left.  Nearly 100 universities are requiring masks this fall.  Lionsgate movie studios in Los Angeles and Atlanta-based Morris Brown College this week stated…

159 Hunter Biden Special Counsel Appointment Is a Blatant Act of Corruption

There's simply no rational or legal explanation for Attorney General Merrick Garland naming David Weiss a special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation. Other than the most obvious one, of course. Garland contends that he's "confident" the Delaware federal prosecutor "will carry out his responsibility in an evenhanded and urgent…

160 As First Debate Approaches, Is GOP Race Already Over?

The first debate of the Republican presidential primaries is upon us. The first time the candidates meet on a debate stage is always a milestone in primary races. So this moment offers a chance to assess where the contest stands. The short version: It's still about former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Only now, it boils down…

161 Biden Scandals Causing Asymmetrical Damage

A funny thing is happening along Joe Biden’s road to reelection, a road he hoped would be smoothed by multiple indictments against his predecessor and chief competitor.   Instead, Biden continues to suffer asymmetrical damage from multiplying ethical scandals of his own.  In Gallup’s latest survey, Biden averaged a 40.7…

162 The Weakness of Biden Impeachment Articles

There's a lot of talk among House Republicans about impeaching President Joe Biden. But GOP members disagree on whether there is enough evidence to go forward. On one hand, Republican investigators have made enormous progress in the past few weeks. The testimony of former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer demolished Joe Biden's claim that…

163 Why Wouldn't Americans See Politics In Trump Indictments?

It is sometimes said that the prosecutions of former President Donald Trump are "backfiring" on Democrats. That is, instead of lowering Trump's political support, they are raising it. That is indeed happening among Republicans and some independents. But many Democrats still hope the cumulative weight of multiple indictments – …

164 Atomic Bombing Criticisms Are Morally and Logically Unsustainable

"I’m proud that I was able to start with nothing, plan it and have it work as perfectly as it did.  I sleep clearly every night."   That expression of clear conscience came from Paul Tibbets, pilot of the B-29 Enola Gay that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945.   As a matter of both…

165 Alarm Goes Out: Trump Could Win

In the past few days, we've seen a number of political analysts come to a momentous conclusion. Actually, two momentous conclusions. The first is that it is unlikely anyone can catch former President Donald Trump in the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. The second is that it is entirely possible Trump, having won the GOP nomination…

166 Democrats Are Becoming the Censorship Party

A Pew Research poll released July 20 found that 70% of Democrats think the government should restrict what appears on social media, a dramatic change from five years ago when a majority of Democrats supported a free marketplace of ideas.  It's no wonder, considering the drumbeat of warnings from leftist politicians and their liberal media allies…

167 It's Increasingly Clear the Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden, Not Hunter

Two veteran IRS agents with impeccable records have now testified under oath that federal officials not only slow-walked the Hunter Biden probe but nixed efforts to investigate Joe's role in the family business. And though legacy media are conveniently apathetic about the developments, they seem somewhat newsworthy to me. On Wednesday, we learned…

168 Gallup: Confidence in U.S. Institutions Collapses to Record Low Under Biden

As a 2020 presidential candidate, Joe Biden shamelessly recast himself as some sort of unifier who could restore collective public trust.   This was the same man who just eight years earlier as Vice President crudely lectured a Black audience that Mitt Romney and Republicans would “put y’all back in chains.”  …

169 When Investigators Won't Investigate Joe Biden

One of the murkier aspects of congressional Republicans' investigation of President Biden's financial history concerns an allegation that Biden, when he was vice president, accepted a $5 million bribe from the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. The alleged scheme also involved Biden's son Hunter. Burisma, of course, was the company that for a time…

170 Biden Declares War on Profits

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently reiterated a point the Biden White House has been making for the past year: that inflation remains high not because of the Biden $6 trillion spending spree but because "high profit margins" captured during the COVID-19 pandemic drive up consumer prices. We then were told that the White…

171 Three Warnings About Election Season

As elections approach, sweeping generalizations have a certain allure that often energizes the frustrated and captivates the hopeful. However, it's essential that we as voters remember that things that seem too good to be true typically are. Here are a few warnings. First, as far as our finances go, beware of politicians promising that they won't…

172 Joe Slaps Lipstick on “Bidenomics” Pig

"At least I could buy a car four years ago.  I could also afford to fill the tank."  That’s the damning sentiment that Joe Biden must confront as voters begin to ask themselves the quadrennial question posed by Ronald Reagan in 1980:  “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”   According…

173 Wanted: A President Who Will Embrace the Spending Challenge

Election season is getting into gear, and that means politicians of all stripes making promises about what they'll do for the American people if elected or reelected. I'd like to hear promises to get government out of the way and allow entrepreneurship and market competition to spur genuine and sustainable economic growth, including in the energy and…

174 Joe Biden Is Not OK

On June 16, President Joe Biden ended a big gun-control speech in Connecticut with the words, "God save the queen, man." Why did the president express adoration for the departed Brit monarch? Was he confused about royal succession? Who knows. When asked about the incident, White House aides offered nonsensical and conflicting answers …

175 Payback: Manchin Presidential Run Could Doom Biden’s Reelection

Joe Biden publicly humiliated Senator Joe Manchin (D – West Virginia) last year through his negotiating duplicity, imperiling Manchin’s 2024 reelection viability in the process.   As an alienated Manchin openly considers an independent presidential campaign, he may exact revenge by dooming Biden’s own reelection prospects…

176 Government-Backed Censors Confuse 'Disinformation' With Mainstream Opinions

Disinformation, misinformation and fake news are real problems in a world that is now mainly online. However, this shouldn't blind us to the very real risk that comes from a government that aggressively polices information or becomes an arbitrator of the truth. It's simply too easy to use this power to silence political opponents or people who hold…

177 Why Did Trump Do It?

There are a lot of questions surrounding the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump, which alleges that after leaving the White House, Trump kept secret national defense information he was not legally allowed to possess. Questions like: Did Trump, as president, have the authority to decide what to keep and what to give to the National…

178 Donald Trump's Arraignment

A few days have passed since the Justice Department informed former President Donald Trump that he had been indicted. Some of the main issues involved, both legal and political, are becoming clearer than they were in the first frenzied hours after the news broke. First, the politics. The early indications are that predictions that Trump supporters…

179 Nothing To See Here but a Credible Whistleblower Accusing the President of Bribery

President Joe Biden has been accused by a credible informant of allegedly taking $5 million in "a bribery scheme with a foreign national" while he was the sitting vice president. That seems like a pretty big story, but what do I know? Apparently, there's a document laying out the accusation in some detail, and not one cooked up by an oppo…

180 Remembering the Horrors of D-Day

Seventy-nine years ago this week, the Allies assaulted the Normandy beaches on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Their invasion marked the largest amphibious landing since the Persians under Xerxes invaded the Greek mainland in 480 B.C. Nearly 160,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers stormed five beaches of Nazi-occupied France. The plan was to liberate…

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Notable Quote   
"The White House on Wednesday night said that approximately 75,000 federal workers have decided to accept the Trump administration's buyout offer by its deadline, which has now closed.Trump's White House Office of Personnel Management (OPM) sent the offer to millions of employees last month, which allowed employees to retain benefits and be paid through September if they agree to resign by a certain…[more]
— Misty Severi, Just the News
Liberty Poll   

Which of the following actions regarding the federal Department of Education most closely represents your personal view?