From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default…
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Image of the Day: Climate Change Causing Wildfires? No.

From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in California or elsewhere:


[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="874"] Climate Change? No.[/caption]


January 17, 2025 • 07:50 AM

Liberty Update

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241 The Left Were the Mad Scientists - We Were Their Lab Rats

As the midterms approach, one way of looking at America's current disaster is that we, the American people, were lab rats. And since 2021, the Left were the mad scientists, eager to try out their crackpot leftist experiments on us. The result is that the housing market is tottering on the verge of collapse. As interest rates soar, our $31 trillion…

242 Midterms, Biden's Agenda and the Filibuster

On March 2, 2021, when he had been president less than two months, Joe Biden met with a group of liberal historians in the White House East Room. The subject was Biden's "determination to be one of the most consequential presidents" in U.S. history, according to an account in Axios. The group talked a lot about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and…

243 Exposing Joe Biden's 'Jim Crow 2.0' Slander

Early voting began in Georgia several days ago. There is, of course, intense interest in both the state's Senate race, with University of Georgia football legend Herschel Walker challenging Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, and the governor's race, between Gov. Brian Kemp and Democratic challenger Stacey Abrams. Kemp is going to win, but the Senate…

244 Fauci Can't Whitewash His Disastrous Legacy

This week, ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the soon-departing head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, if it was a "mistake" for schools to be shuttered as long as they were during the COVID pandemic. "We should realize, and have realized," Fauci answered, "that there will…

245 Who Denies Election Results?

A Democratic myth has arisen that former President Donald Trump's denial of the accuracy of the 2020 vote was "unprecedented." Unfortunately, the history of U.S. elections is often a story of both legitimate and illegitimate election denialism. The 1800, 1824, 1876, and 1960 elections were all understandably questioned. In some of these…

246 Who's More In Lockstep -- Republicans With Trump, Or Democrats With Biden?

There was an extraordinary Senate debate this week in Orem, Utah, between Sen. Mike Lee and challenger Evan McMullin. It was extraordinary in part because McMullin, who is running as an independent and says that if elected he will not caucus with either Democrats or Republicans, agreed with Lee in many policy areas, like federal spending and regulatory…

247 Bob Gates Anticipated Biden’s Ineptitude in 2014

As halftime approaches in Joe Biden’s term and voters assess whether to press the brakes or the gas on his agenda in November’s midterm elections, it’s worth revisiting former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’s 2014 assessment of Biden. Gates, a moderate who served under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama, noted nearly a…

248 Republicans and Bias in Midterm Polls

Republicans always believe the polls are slanted against them. That belief has sometimes caused them to misread big political races. In 2012, for example, a significant number of Republicans convinced themselves that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney was actually going to defeat incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama. There was a lot of talk…

249 Joe Biden, the 82 Year-Old Candidate?

There's a new report from NBC News that President Joe Biden has told a confidant – the Rev. Al Sharpton, of all people – that he will run for reelection in 2024. It's not terribly well-sourced, attributing the information to "an official of Sharpton's National Action Network" who told NBC what Sharpton had…

250 The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization

Civilization is fragile. It hinges on ensuring the stuff of life. To be able to eat, to move about, to have shelter, to be free from state or tribal coercion, to be secure abroad, and safe at home - only that allows cultures to be freed from the daily drudgery of mere survival. Civilization alone permits humans to pursue sophisticated scientific…

251 In Midterm Politics, Historical Analogies Work – Until They Don't

If history is any guide, Democrats do not have a chance – not even a small a chance – of keeping control of the House in the midterm elections. But the question is: Is history any guide?  There's been a lot of attention paid to the new ABC News/Washington Post poll, which makes clear that President Joe Biden is a drag on his party…

252 To Reduce Crime, Incarcerate to Incapacitate

Last week’s video of a hatchet-wielding maniac terrorizing patrons in a New York City McDonald’s deepened the sense that it’s the 1970s again in New York.   The footage resonates even more deeply for symbolizing an increasing sense of random lawlessness across America, particularly after the assailant was released without…

253 The Democrats' Filibuster Scheme

Vice President Kamala Harris appeared in a pre-taped interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" last weekend. As is often the case with her interviews, Harris said a few awkward, ill-informed or downright odd things. For example, she claimed that the U.S.-Mexico border is "secure." When asked if she was confident of that, Harris answered…

254 Harriet Hageman: How I Beat Liz Cheney

Harriet Hageman is the environmental lawyer who defeated incumbent Rep. Liz Cheney by a landslide in Wyoming's much-watched Republican House primary. Hageman, who will surely trounce token Democratic opposition in the general election, is now getting ready to take office. She was in Washington last week – not for that preparation, but…

255 Who Are You Calling a Fascist, Mr. President?

The other day, President Joe Biden accused voters of the opposition party of turning to "semi-fascism." This is probably the first time in American history a president has openly attacked the opposing party's constituents in this way.  Then again, Biden, who once alleged that the chaste Mitt Romney was harboring a desire to bring back…

256 Will the Republicans Really Win Back the Congress?

The late spring scenario of a massive GOP win – in historic proportions analogous to 1938, 1994, or 2010 – is said now to be "iffy." The Left boasts that it now has a chance at keeping the House, with even better odds for maintaining control over the Senate. Polls are all over the place. Now they show generic…

257 Joe Biden Is Still Dragging His Party Down

There has been a surge of optimism among Democrats lately when it comes to November's midterm elections. The short version of the thinking is: Maybe we're not going to get clobbered after all! But much of their hope is still likely in vain. For one reason: President Joe Biden. It's true that so-called generic ballot polling has moved a few points…

258 When Exactly Has the FBI Earned Our Trust?

It was probably the most disillusioning thing that I ever ran into.  Because being raised in the ‘50s in the Eisenhower period, I didn’t know that the government wasn’t always straight, and the good guys.  They did things to me that made me realize that they’re a tough bunch of cookies.   That was Dick Clark…

259 'Civil War'

As President Joe Biden's polls stagnate and the midterms approach, we are now serially treated to yet another progressive melodrama about the dangers of a supposed impending radical right-wing violent takeover. This time the alleged threat is a Neanderthal desire for a "civil war." The FBI raid on former President Donald Trump's Florida…

260 Dems Weaponize the IRS to Silence Critics

The public should be frightened that Democrats are passing new legislation to weaponize the already abusive Internal Revenue Service.  For nearly a century, the IRS has been used by presidents and members of Congress to harass and incriminate political foes. In addition to collecting revenue to fund the government, the IRS is a hit squad that…

261 A Classic Anti-Trump Frenzy

Beginning in the months before Donald Trump took office, and extending well into his presidency, the media and political world took a set of vague but serious accusations of wrongdoing involving the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia and created a 24/7 frenzy of talk about secret evidence, potential criminal charges and allegedly grave damage to national…

262 FBI Trump Raid Casts Manchin-Schumer IRS Empowerment Bill in Even More Sinister Light

Whatever justification – or lack thereof – Americans ultimately receive for this week’s unprecedented Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raid on former President Trump’s home, we’ve just witnessed a jarring reminder of the federal government’s fearsome enforcement power.   As multiple observers note…

263 FBI, R.I.P.?

The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War. Take the FBI's deliberately asymmetrical application of the law. This week the bureau surprise-raided the home of former President Donald Trump – an historical first. A massive phalanx of FBI agents swooped into…

264 86,852 New IRS Employees

You've probably heard Republicans say the Inflation Reduction Act – the massive spending bill just passed by Senate Democrats – includes provisions to hire 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service agents. The number seems too big to believe. The IRS has just 93,654 employees, according to the Office of Personnel Management…

265 The Washington Fantasy World

An odd atmosphere has descended on Washington, D.C. At the precise moment the government announced that the economy shrank for the second consecutive quarter – the popular definition of a recession – Washington pundits began talking about what a great week President Joe Biden was having. And they meant it sincerely,…

266 Why We Lost Trust In the Expert Class

For years, European policymakers had assured the world that the relatively rapid "transition" to "green" energy was the world's preordained future – regardless of the costs. Accordingly, many European Union governments followed the advice of green experts. They eagerly shut down coal, natural gas, and nuclear power…

267 Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the Colombia Connection

The Hunter Biden story has always been a Joe Biden story. It has been clear all along that Hunter Biden, like some other relatives of high officeholders, spent years trying to cash in on his father's government position. And we've known for a while that Justice Department investigators are looking into whether Hunter paid taxes on the money he got…

268 For Biden, Polls Are Probably Worse Than They Seem

President Biden has a miserable 33% job approval rating, according to the New York Times/Siena College poll, making him one of the least popular first-term presidents in history. Sixty-four percent of Democrats say they want another candidate in the 2024 presidential race. No modern president, as far as I can tell, has faced higher dissatisfaction…

269 Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’

In a run-up to what is likely to be a 2024 presidential bid, California Governor Gavin Newsom hit upon the bizarre idea of boasting in commercials that California is America's true "free" state. Part of his ad campaign is to attack Florida – currently run by Newsom's possible rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Yet, with…

270 Sounding the Alarm Over Joe Biden

President Joe Biden's reelection prospects have seemed doubtful for months now. Many voters think the nation's oldest president ever – he turns 80 in November – is too old for the job and is certainly too old for a second term. Many others think he's simply doing a bad job. Many think both. And that includes Democrats…

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Notable Quote   
"The federal government is racing toward a fiscal cliff, with a new report citing a mind-numbing $838 billion cash shortfall just for the first four months of the fiscal year.Yet Democrats are losing their minds over Team Trump's efforts to trim fat and waste. Do they want the Uncle Sam to go belly up?Per the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, that $838 billion hole is a whopping 15% higher…[more]
— New York Post Editorial Board
Liberty Poll   

Which of the following actions regarding the federal Department of Education most closely represents your personal view?