From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default…
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Image of the Day: Climate Change Causing Wildfires? No.

From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in California or elsewhere:


[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="874"] Climate Change? No.[/caption]


January 17, 2025 • 07:50 AM

Liberty Update

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Health Care
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# Article Title
1 Biden’s Parting Insult: More Killer Drug Price Controls

In its reckless departure from the White House amid a flurry of unseemly pardons and executive orders, the Biden administration seemed to save the worst for last.   Namely, one underreported but consequential item among that flurry was an action that could haunt Americans for years to come unless interrupted by the incoming Trump administration…

2 Trump Battles Globalism in Public Health

Good riddance to the World Health Organization – more aptly called the Woke Health Oligarchy. On his first day, President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from WHO, a necessary step in putting the health of Americans first. Immediately the left-wing media sounded the alarm, quoting globalist-minded scientists at American universities…

3 CFIF Launches New Ad Highlighting Trump Administration’s Support for Certificate of Need Repeal

CON laws ‘represent one of the worst’ anti-competitive healthcare regulations. NASHVILLE, TN – Today, the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) launched a new advertisement calling for full repeal of Tennessee’s Certificate of Need (CON) laws. The ad highlights the Trump administration’s prior support for repealing these…

4 CFIF Launches New Ad Campaign Calling for Full Repeal of Tennessee’s Certificate of Need Laws

"Get Big Government Out of Our Healthcare, Reduce Costs and Improve Care." NASHVILLE – Today, the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) launched a new digital advertising campaign calling for the full repeal of Tennessee’s Certificate of Need (CON) laws. The ads highlight how the state’s remaining CON laws continue to harm…

5 CFIF Urges Opposition to Legislation that Would Weaken Critical Patent Protections

In a letter sent today to members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, the Center for Individual Freedom urged strong opposition to two pieces of proposed legislation that would weaken critical patent protections: the “Medication Affordability and Patent Integrity Act” (S. 2780) and  “Biosimilar…

6 KamalaCare Would Kill Drug Innovation

Kamala Harris just released her own economic plan, triggering merciless reviews from even left-wing outlets like The Washington Post.   Credit Post columnist Catherine Rampell with a scathing analysis that received the most attention entitled, “When Your Opponent Calls You a ‘Communist,’ Maybe Don’t Propose Price…

7 Drug Shortages Reach Record High Following Biden’s Price Controls

Want to find a rare point of intellectual consensus amid our stubborn ideological divisions?   Just survey economists across the political spectrum on the merit of government price controls.   Economist Austan Goolsbee, the affable defender of Obama and Biden administration economic policies and now president of the Federal Reserve…

8 CFIF Applauds Tennessee General Assembly for Passing Significant Certificate of Need (CON) Reform Legislation

CFIF stands ready and willing to work with lawmakers and stakeholders to address remaining CON regulations going froward  NASHVILLE, TN – The Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) today applauds Tennessee’s General Assembly for passing legislation to significantly reform the state's harmful Certificate of Need (CON) laws in order to…

9 H5N1 Pandemic Test Case – Biden Administration Not Ready

The H5N1 virus, which for 30 years affected mostly birds, is rapidly evolving and spreading globally. The Biden administration is dangerously unready. Over the last two years, H5N1 has jumped from birds to mammals, infecting at least 26 species. South American scientists publishing in the prestigious journal Nature Communications report massive &…

10 Tennesseans Have Sent More Than 24,000 Letters to Their Representatives Urging Certificate of Need (CON) Repeal

NASHVILLE, TN – The Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) today announced that Tennesseans from across the state have sent more than 24,000 letters urging their elected officials in the in the 113th General Assembly to repeal Tennessee’s harmful Certificate of Need (CON) laws to help increase access to high-quality, affordable healthcare…

11 Biden SOTU Pandering on Drug Price Controls Would Only Bring Shortages

State of the Union speeches by their nature already lean more toward tawdry partisan spectacle than serious policy proposals or dutiful recitation of the nation’s condition as the Constitution requires.   That’s why the famously quotable late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia observed that, “It has turned into a childish…

12 CFIF Releases New Data Showing Tennessee GOP Voters Support Repealing State’s Certificate of Need (CON) Laws

Repeal of Tennessee’s Remaining CON Laws Will Increase Access to Affordable, High-Quality Care and Increase Patient Choice  NASHVILLE, TN – The Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) today released compelling public opinion research showing that Tennessee GOP voters oppose government red tape obstructing access to health care and overwhelmingly…

13 Biden Administration Thuggishly Seeks “March In” Power to Seize Private Drug Patents

"Nice invention you’ve got there.  Be a shame if someone marched in and seized it from you."   Imagine yourself the inventor on the receiving end of that warning from some thuggish organized criminal.  It would bring your incentive to continue inventing to a grinding halt, and probably frighten you into taking your…

14 If You Like “Bidenomics,” You’ll Love His Drug Price Controls

An increasingly frustrated Joe Biden insists on declaring Bidenomics a success, despite Americans’ overwhelming recognition of its obvious failure.    Doubling down on that failure, Biden now aspires to do to pharmaceutical innovation and the healthcare sector what he’s done to the broader economy.   To mark the first…

15 Biden’s Drug Price Controls Already in Legal and Political Jeopardy

Joe Biden apparently assumed that the drug price control provisions of his “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) offered a political slam-dunk in the leadup to the 2024 presidential campaign.   Although price controls violate immutable economic principles and maintain an unbroken record of failure across time and geography, they somehow…

16 U.S. Experiences Record Drug Shortages in Wake of Price Controls

"The record of price controls goes as far back as human history.  They were imposed by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.  They were decreed by Hammurabi, king of Babylon, in the eighteenth century B.C.  They were tried in ancient Athens." -Henry Hazlitt   If the popular definition of insanity as “doing the same…

17 China Controls Your Meds

Democrats and Republicans battered TikTok's CEO at a House of Representatives hearing on Thursday -- for good reason. The Chinese app poses a national security risk, accumulating troves of data on its American users. TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew's slithery comment that "I don't think spying is the right way to describe it," only heightened concerns…

18 CFIF Launches New Ads Calling for Full Repeal of Tennessee’s Certificate-of-Need Laws

“Lost Hospitals, Lost Health Care Services, Lost Jobs…It’s Time to Fully Repeal the Tennessee CON.” NASHVILLE, TN – Today, the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) launched a new digital advertisement in the Knoxville media market as part of its ongoing campaign calling for full repeal of Tennessee’s Certificate…

19 Biden Drug Price Controls Threaten Alzheimer’s Breakthroughs

For years, we’ve hoped in vain for Alzheimer’s disease treatments that improve survival rates or quality of life as witnessed with so many other diseases.   We now have two promising breakthrough treatments, but due to the Biden Administration’s agenda of socialized medicine and drug price controls, millions of Alzheimer…

20 Biden's 'America Last' Health Treaty

President Joe Biden's diplomats are negotiating a treaty with the World Health Organization to promote so-called global health equity. The premise is that in a pandemic or other worldwide disease emergency, Americans should not get better or faster health care than inhabitants of third-world countries. If Biden rams this through, Americans will suffer…

21 Europeans and Americans Alike Discovering the Pain of Socialized Medicine

"European governments are trying to create incentives for research investments, but they are making our lives miserable on the commercial side."   That was Bayer Pharmaceutical Division president Stefan Oelrich, lamenting how drug price controls and socialized medicine in Europe cause supply shortages and stifle pharmaceutical…

22 Yikes! Life Is Getting Shorter in America

It's one thing when government raises your taxes, suffocates your business with regulations or censors your tweets. It's far worse when government is to blame for actually shortening your life. U.S. life expectancy dropped to 76.4 years, the lowest in 25 years, according to new federal data. Americans should be gasping. What could be more important…

23 CFIF Launches Ad Campaign Calling for Repeal of Tennessee’s “Certificate of Need” (CON) Laws

NASHVILLE, TN – This week, the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) launched a digital and radio advertising campaign calling for the repeal of Tennessee’s “Certificate of Need” (CON) laws. The ads, which are running in the Nashville and Knoxville media markets, highlight how CON laws give unelected government bureaucrats too…

24 The Mysteries of Long COVID

When the original strain of COVID-19 arrived in spring 2020, a pandemic soon swept the country. By far most survived COVID. But hundreds of thousands did not. American deaths now number well over 1 million. Amid the tragedy, there initially was some hope that the pernicious effects of the disease would all disappear upon recovery among the nearly…

25 The Democrats' Lifespan Reduction Act

Across the pond, Brits are demanding their next prime minister do something to reduce the U.K.'s notorious cancer death rates. But here in the U.S., Democrats are doing the opposite. They're pushing for European-style price controls on drugs that will slow cancer cures and lead to more deaths. Americans enjoy the highest cancer survival rates in the…

26 Drug Prices Remain Moderated, but Democrats Nevertheless Push Destructive Price Controls

A year ago this week, Joe Biden went on record dismissing inflation – which had quadrupled from 1.4% to 5.4% during his first six months – as “temporary”:   Some folks have raised worries that this could be a sign of persistent inflation.  But that’s not our view.  Our experts believe, and the data…

27 The CDC Is Deceiving the Public Again

If you have to go to the hospital, you don't want to end up in a dangerous one.  The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knows which hospitals are riskiest, but it's hiding that information from you – your safety be damned. The feds seem to think they work for the hospital industry, not for you. Whenever a hospital…

28 Beware Fauci's Scheme To Empower the World Health Organization

When the next pandemic hits, President Joe Biden wants the World Health Organization – a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party – to have more power over the U.S. and other countries. Among other changes, WHO is pushing for "equity" in access to vaccines and medicines, meaning the U.S. will be hindered from…

29 Drug Price Controls Reemerge from Biden’s “Build Back Better” Rubble

Regarding the Beatles, it’s often observed that their whole was greater than the sum of their four individual parts.   In other words, paraphrasing Aristotle’s maxim, together they achieved a magical symbiosis surpassing anything that their individual talents added together might have otherwise anticipated.   In any…

30 New Study Confirms How Drug Price Controls Kill Investment and Innovation

Anyone who considers European healthcare a model to emulate or welcomes government drug price controls just received a jarring corrective in the form of a new study by VitalTransformation.   For example, as of 2019 late-stage biopharmaceutical venture capital funding in the European Union (EU) amounted to just 3% of the United States level…

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Notable Quote   
"The federal government is racing toward a fiscal cliff, with a new report citing a mind-numbing $838 billion cash shortfall just for the first four months of the fiscal year.Yet Democrats are losing their minds over Team Trump's efforts to trim fat and waste. Do they want the Uncle Sam to go belly up?Per the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, that $838 billion hole is a whopping 15% higher…[more]
— New York Post Editorial Board
Liberty Poll   

Which of the following actions regarding the federal Department of Education most closely represents your personal view?