The 100 lb Lawsuit Print
Wednesday, December 12 2012

Actress Kirstie Alley is being sued for reportedly lying about how she lost 100 pounds.

California resident Marina Abramyan has filed a class action lawsuit against 61-year-old Alley and the weight loss program she helped develop, Organic Liaison.  Abramyan contends that Alley did not lose the weight using the program, rather the weight came off through grueling dance practices leading up to Alley's appearance on "Dancing with the Stars" and by following a strict low calorie diet.

"In peddling the Organic Liaison Program, Ms. Alley attributes her weight loss to the program, but in reality, Ms. Alley's weight loss is due to nothing more than the tried and true concept of diet and exercise," Abramyan states in her complaint. "It is commonly known, and indeed a scientific fact, that if you are increasing exercise while decreasing caloric intake, you will lose weight. There is no magic pill or supplement that causes weight loss."

Alley credits her weight loss to Organic Liaison, which alleges to help clients shed weight by "liaising" dieters from their daily eating habits to a healthier organic diet.  Alley is the chief spokeswoman for the program

"I can assure you that if you follow this program, you'll get healthier, lose weight, and not be 'annoyingly' hungry," Alley claims in her QVC promotion.

Abramyan, who did not lose any weight on the program, claims the products "are nothing more than run-of-the-mill fiber and calcium supplements," according to news reports. Abramyan claims Alley is guilty of false advertising.
