Holy Moly, This Is Going To Be Interesting Print
Tuesday, July 08 2014

A group of Illinois nuns are suing a neighboring strip club, charging the club is a public nuisance and violates state law.

According to news reports, the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Scalabrinians claim that nearby "gentleman's club" Club Allure violates state law because it sits within 1,000 feet of their religious order.  Moreover, the nuns complain that the club keeps them up at night with "blinking neon lights and loud thumping music."

The club's owner, Sean O'Brien, who reportedly was raised Roman Catholic, though he admits he's no longer practicing, said the dispute with the nuns is "ideological."

"We have a right to be here as much as they do," he said. "We contribute to the community also, tax dollars, local jobs. We buy all of our supplies locally."

Source: The Chicago Tribune