However else one opines on the merits or perils of artificial intelligence (AI), everyone of good faith…
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Record Labels Rightly Sue Abusive AI Music Generators

However else one opines on the merits or perils of artificial intelligence (AI), everyone of good faith can agree that it mustn't become a tool for brazen copyright infringement.  Artists who pour their (sometimes literal) blood, sweat and tears into their creative works shouldn't have those works stolen and exploited by AI bots.

That is particularly true as it relates to AI music generators specifically created for that exploitative purpose.

For that reason, we should all welcome and applaud major record labels for their decisive lawsuit against AI generators Suno and Udio, whom they accuse in their complaints of copyright violation on an "unimaginable scale."

The complaints make for gripping reading unlike most legal filings, but we're not talking here about sampling various songs…[more]

July 02, 2024 • 06:30 PM

Liberty Update

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Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the US to Rapes and Wanton Violence Print
By Betsy McCaughey
Wednesday, June 26 2024
It's politically incorrect to criticize Latin American culture – even its tolerance for violence against females.

The United Nations calls it "femicide," the wanton assault, rape and murder of girls and women. It's a cultural epidemic in Latin America.

Femicide is visible every step of the way from South America and the Northern Triangle countries to the Mexico-U.S. border. Rape trees, where women's panties hang from branches, and rape tents, where girls and women are dragged by smugglers, dot the route. Do you think the rapes stop when illegals cross into the U.S.? No.

Now women are being victimized by migrants bringing femicide to your neighborhood. Where are the women's rights groups? Silent. They couldn't care less. It's politically incorrect to criticize Latin American culture  even its tolerance for violence against females.

Last week in Queens, an Ecuadoran illegal, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, allegedly attacked a 13-year-old girl walking home from school, held her at knife-point and raped her, recording the assault for his own future pleasure as he proceeded.

Yet "Squad" member Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) laughed off news coverage of the crime as "fear-mongering."

Inga-Landi has a history of abusing females, including beating his pregnant wife, according to police reports. He crossed the border illegally in 2021 and was ordered to leave the country by a New York City immigration judge in Feb. 2022.

And what about the 13-year-old victim? Her father adamantly opposes President Joe Biden's "open border policy" because "it invites a lot of things that we don't need," adding, "look what came in. Look what happened to my daughter."

Sexual violence against females is rampant in Latin America, reports the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, a division of the UN.

In Mexico, femicide is soaring, according to the George Bush Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan Washington, D.C., think tank. "Gender-based violence remains one of the most significant yet overlooked drivers of out migration across Central America and the broader region."

On April 24, UN official Alice Shackelford warned of an "emergency situation" in Honduras, where she said violence against women is being normalized and the femicide rate has risen to the highest in Latin America.

Also reporting on the "degree of hatred and contempt against women" in Honduras, Migdonia Ayestad of the National Autonomous University of Honduras explained that "men believe they have the right to women's bodies."

The UN has its own far-left ax to grind. And most illegals from Latin America are not violent criminals. Even so, dangerous anti-female attitudes are invading our country because of open borders.

Leftists deny the problem. They're horrified that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein raped women on a casting couch, but they're in denial when Latin American illegals rape. CNN political commentator Van Jones said on Saturday, "There's no culture south of the border that celebrates rape. ... You are insulting people below the border."

Sorry, facts are facts. Political correctness be damned.

The incidents are piling up. A Honduran illegal was arrested on Feb. 25 in Kenner, Louisiana, after he allegedly raped a 14-year-old girl at knife-point.

Mexican illegal Eduardo Sarabia was arrested May 16 for allegedly kidnapping and raping two women in a white van outfitted to be a "rape dungeon on wheels."

The El Salvadorian illegal arrested this month for allegedly raping and murdering Rachel Morin was also wanted for assaulting a mother and her 9-year-old daughter during a Los Angeles home break-in.

Venezuela is supplying a hefty share of femicidal criminals. That country refuses to provide the U.S. with criminal background information about migrants apprehended at the border. Here are a few of the consequences.

Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student, was raped and murdered on Feb. 22, allegedly by a Venezuelan migrant.

That same day, Venezuelan migrant Renzo Mendoza Montes allegedly sexually abused a 14-year-old in Virginia.

Last week, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray's lifeless body was found in Houston; she was murdered allegedly by two Venezuelan migrants. They lured the girl under a bridge, stripped her naked below the waist, bound her hands and feet and raped her for two hours before killing her.

Too many deaths and life-shattering assaults. Tell women's rights groups backing Biden that safety from rapists and sexually motivated killers is a right.

Leftists object to the word "illegal." They prefer "undocumented." Let's not mince words. Some are rapists and killers. Monsters. Close the border to stop the femicidal madness.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. 


Notable Quote   
"No other date on the calendar more potently symbolizes all that our nation stands for than the Fourth of July."…[more]
— Former U.S. Representative William McClellan "Mac" Thornberry
Liberty Poll   

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