In recent weeks we at CFIF have criticized the Biden administration's indefensible legal crusade against…
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AEI Scholar: Biden Administration Targeting of Live Nation a "Historic Mistake"

In recent weeks we at CFIF have criticized the Biden administration's indefensible legal crusade against entertainment enterprise Live Nation, which promises nothing but a waste of judicial resources and litigation costs in its attempt to reverse a merger that the very same Department of Justice (DOJ) blessed just a few short years ago.

American Enterprise Institute (AEI) scholar and tech expert Mark Jamison adds his own intellectual heft to the issue in his new commentary "The Government Is Gunning for Live Nation.  It's Making a Historic Mistake":

The recent case filed by Department of Justice (DOJ) exemplifies the administration’s tendency to view company breakups as a panacea for perceived market ills.  The DOJ argues that Live Nation’s integration of concerts, event venue…[more]

June 24, 2024 • 01:25 PM

Liberty Update

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Mike Pence's Ill-Starred Presidential Run
By Byron York
Wednesday, June 07 2023
On paper, has there ever been a more qualified candidate for president than Mike Pence? Twelve years in the House of Representatives, four as governor of Indiana and four as vice president of the United States. No president in at least the last 30 years has come to office with that kind of resume. And yet Pence, who this week formally becomes a candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination, is in a nearly impossible situation. Or maybe a totally impossible situation. And it all traces back to his four years with President Donald Trump in the White House – the period that should…
U.S. Experiences Record Drug Shortages in Wake of Price Controls
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Democrats Abandon Working Class, Become Party of Freeloaders
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Stop Scaring Our Kids to Death
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The Pregame Is Over for Trump vs. DeSantis
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Surprise: Debt Conversation Brings More Pointless 'Tax-the-Rich' Talk
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Media's Coverage of the Debt-Limit Fight Is Intolerably Dishonest
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Jail the Shoplifters
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What's the Matter With Texas Republicans When It Comes to School Choice Legislation?
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John Brennan, Enemy of the People
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Notable Quote   
"Newly released transcripts of interviews with with eight of the intelligence officials who were among 51 signatories of the infamous letter labeling reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop as a potential 'Russian information operation' show the letter drafters were motivated by politics while freely admitting they had no hard evidence for the claims.The transcripts, which include interviews with former…[more]
— Steven Richards, Just the News
Liberty Poll   

Which presidential candidate will get the greater tangible benefit from the debate?