At CFIF, the issue of improving taxpayer privacy and protection against persistent abuse by the Internal…
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Quote of the Day: Taxpayer Privacy and IRS Abuse

At CFIF, the issue of improving taxpayer privacy and protection against persistent abuse by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) remains among our most important missions.  Among the abuses that we've chronicled is the case of convicted criminal Charles Littlejohn, who rejoined the IRS in 2017 with the specific purpose of illegally breaching and leaking the private tax returns of Donald Trump and other Americans to radical left-wing organizations like ProPublica.

In The Wall Street Journal this week, one of those victims speaks out on his own experience and the need for greater taxpayer protection against this recurring problem that should terrify all Americans of every political persuasion.  Ira Stoll, whose tax information was passed to ProPublica, even helpfully details how…[more]

May 29, 2024 • 11:28 AM

Liberty Update

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Taxes & Economy
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121 U.S. Reclaims Top Economic Competitiveness Ranking Under Trump

"U.S. Has More Jobs Than Jobless." Savor for a moment that astonishing front-page headline this week from The Wall Street Journal.  Well into the second year of the Trump economy, America literally has more jobs than the number of people in the labor force to possibly fill them:    For the first time since such record…

122 Trump's Budget: $984 Billion Deficit Next Year

When you read the budget message President Donald Trump sent Congress earlier this year, you soon come across a concession that Washington insiders have been making for years — just before they vote for bills they know will massively increase the federal debt. "The current fiscal path is unsustainable," Trump said, "and future…

123 Democrats' Universal Job Plan Would Be a Socialist Disaster

Sen. Bernie Sanders is set to announce a plan that guarantees every American "who wants or needs one" a lifetime government job paying at least $15 an hour, with health insurance and other perks. This new progressive workforce will then, according to the Washington Post, build glorious "projects throughout the United States aimed at…

124 Will the Supreme Court OK the States' Latest Tax Grab?

Here we go again. State politicians want to take more of your money. This time, their scheme is to tax everything you buy on the internet. On Tuesday, the money-grabbing states made their case to the United States Supreme Court. If the Justices go along with it, you'll be paying more when you make a purchase on eBay, Etsy, Amazon or another platform…

125 The Rich Don't Pay Their "Fair Share" of Taxes ... They Pay Too Much

Do wealthier Americans pay their fair share in taxes?  The straightforward answer is "no," although for a very different reason than most people probably assume.  The reality is that the rich pay more than their fair share by any reasonable definition of "fair."  And here's a new kicker:  Following comprehensive…

126 Larry Kudlow Is a Big Upgrade for the White House

President Donald Trump will reportedly name Larry Kudlow head of the White House National Economic Council. For fans of pro-growth policies — deregulation, low taxation and open trade — it's great news for obvious reasons. Kudlow has been a decadeslong champion of these ideas, and those with coherent philosophies tend to offer…

127 Economic Freedom Index: U.S. Stabilizes In Trump's First Year

For eight long years, the United States suffered continual decline in economic freedom under Barack Obama.  Anyone seeking causation for the unprecedented economic malaise under his watch need look no further than that measure.  At the beginning of 2009, when Obama entered the White House, the U.S. ranked sixth in the Heritage Foundation…

128 Taxaholic Governors Try to Dodge Federal Tax Law

The governors of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey joined forces last week to announce they're suing Uncle Sam. They're trying to torpedo the new $10,000 ceiling on how much state and local taxes their residents can deduct when paying federal income taxes. The three governors sounded like buffoons, making far-fetched claims that the $10,000 cap…

129 Shock: New York Times Begins 2018 Admitting Trump Economic Bump

We experienced eight years of leftist economic policies under Barack Obama, and now a full year of deregulatory, low-tax economics under Donald Trump.  So based upon the accumulated evidence, which one works?  When even The New York Times can no longer deny the inescapable Trump Bump, you know that debate is over.  On January 1, the…

130 Renters Win in Tax Law; Dems Lie About It

Renters came out winners under the new tax law. For over a century, the federal tax code catered to homeowners and treated renters like second-class citizens. Homeowners have been able to deduct interest on their mortgages and home equity loans, as well as property taxes. Meanwhile, everyone, including renters, footed the bill for these deductions…

131 Democrats Are Fooling Themselves About Tax Reform's Unpopularity

According to political analysts, 2018 Democrats will use the just-passed tax reform as a way to argue that the Republican Party is the party of the plutocracy, which is another way of saying that Democrats are going to use the same argument they've been using for the past three decades with varying degrees of success. A number of liberals have claimed…

132 Obama Desperately Seeks Credit for Trump Economic Acceleration

"Thanks, Obama!"  That was Barack Obama, speaking at a conference of mayors in Chicago last week, sarcastically congratulating himself for America's economic performance in the year since he departed.  Perhaps Obama finds himself desperate for attention and the artificial adoration to which he became accustomed as a candidate…

133 Road Map for Tax Reform

House and Senate Republicans are racing to hammer out a tax cut agreement that blends the House bill passed on Nov. 16 with the Senate version that squeaked through at 2 a.m. Saturday morning with one vote to spare. Failure to compromise is not an option. They must deliver a final bill to the president for signing before Christmas. The stakes are…

134 Bloated Deficits Result From Wasteful Spending, Not Insufficient Taxation

As Congress progresses toward much-needed tax reform, critics dishonestly cite growing federal budget deficits as one rationalization.  The deficit, however, stems from excessive spending, not insufficient taxation.  Just last month, the first month of the new 2018 fiscal year, the Treasury Department reported that the federal government…

135 Dems' Tax Demagoguery

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Party are trying to torpedo the biggest tax cut since 1986. Schumer accuses GOP tax cutters of "messing up the good economy the president inherited from President Obama and hurting the middle class." The senator must think we're stupid. The Obama economy wasn't "good." It was…

136 Economy: Obama Slump to Trump Bump

Has our economy emerged from the Obama slump to the Trump bump?  It increasingly appears so.  Consider that since World War II, the United States has averaged 3.3% economic growth per year.  Under Barack Obama, however, we never once reached 3% gross domestic product (GDP) growth in a year.  We've gone an entire decade without…

137 Dems vs. the Facts

President Trump has unveiled a tax plan to ignite economic growth and simplify the tax filing ordeal. Sadly, top Democrats are responding with divisive rhetoric and lies. Senator Chuck Schumer dismisses the plan as "wealth-fare." House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi calls the plan "giveaways to big corporations and billionaires."…

138 Workers Benefit from Business Tax Cuts

Left-wing political groups are staging street protests and running television ads to defeat President Trump's proposed corporate tax cut. If they succeed, the big losers will be anyone hoping for a raise or looking for a better job. Top Democrats like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are haranguing about tax cuts for wealthy corporations. MoveOn…

139 Tax Reform Bill Must Include Donor Privacy Protection from IRS

"The role of money in politics is a major problem.  And particularly the role of unchecked anonymous money.  There have been super-PACs in Washington who have been putting up tens of millions of dollars in attack ads for months now." Talk about chutzpah.  That was Jon Ossoff, Democratic candidate for Congress from Georgia…

140 Trump Budget Revives American Work Ethic

Hillary Clinton bashes President Trump's budget proposal for its "unimaginable level of cruelty." Almost every Democratic politician, and most mainstream media, are saying the same. Don't believe it. The budget, released last week, dignifies work. It reforms federal anti-poverty programs that have kept people dependent on government, with…

141 Trump's Tax Proposal: An Excellent Framework

Last November, Americans said they wanted change in Washington.  They also said they wanted to get the economy moving again.  The bold tax reform outline that President Trump unveiled last week shows that he's doing his part.  Although important details remain unaddressed and subject to negotiation with Congress, Trump's plan offers…

142 Blame the Spendaholics, Not Tax Reformers

If you live in tax hell — New York, Illinois, California, New Jersey or Connecticut — paying your state and local taxes could soon become even more painful. Congressional Republicans and President Trump have plans to lower federal tax rates for almost everyone and simplify tax rules. All good news. But there's a catch for residents…

143 Should the United States Stop Cooperating With the OECD?

How would you feel if I told you that we taxpayers are spending millions of dollars every year to fund an army of bureaucrats who advocate higher taxes and bigger government around the globe? That's exactly what the United States does when it sends its contribution to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Last year, as its single…

144 Godfather Of Republican Border Adjustment Tax Plan Was A John Kerry Adviser

Could a Berkeley college professor who once advised the presidential campaign of 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry derail the best opportunity for conservative tax reform in three decades?  As implausible as this may sound, it could well prove true if the Republican leadership in the U.S House of Representatives continue to insist…

145 Trump's Tax Win

If you're hunting for a job, hoping for a raise or depending on a retirement account, your future hinges on President Trump's next big undertaking, cutting taxes. And the picture looked rosy until last week. After the election, stocks soared on expectations that tax cuts would ignite an economic boom. The nonpartisan Tax Foundation was estimating…

146 Whatever Trump Does Next, It Has to Be About Jobs and Wages

What will President Trump do after the Obamacare debacle? For 48 hours, some Hill Republicans — and Trump himself — spoke as if the president and the GOP could smoothly, seamlessly and swiftly pivot to tax reform. Then, Monday night, came an Axios report that Trump might choose to pursue an infrastructure bill — the…

147 Border Adjustment Tax: A Big-Government Accomplice

The United States continues to suffer the developed world’s highest corporate tax rate, which not only stifles growth and employment, but also incentivizes corporations to avoid or abandon our shores. Fortunately, a bipartisan consensus in favor of lowering rates and simplifying the code has emerged in recent years, and the Trump Administration…

148 Trump Economy Ignites After Years of Obama Malaise

For the past eight years, conservatives and libertarians correctly maintained that Obama Administration policies didn't salvage our economy from the last recession, they instead subdued the natural cyclical recovery that otherwise would've been much more robust.  Obama's agenda of massive federal spending, more regulation, higher taxes, new social…

149 New Study Highlights Value of Copyright and Intellectual Property to U.S. Economy

Regardless of whether one actually voted for Donald Trump, the spectacle of post-election frenzy by the political left and mainstream media offers a fringe benefit for all conservatives and libertarians to savor.  Case in point:  Last week's announcement from Carrier that it had agreed with President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect…

150 Has Economics Failed?

It is especially painful for me, as an economist, to see that two small cities in northern California — San Mateo and Burlingame — have rent control proposals on the ballot this election year. There are various other campaigns, in other places around the country, for and against minimum wage laws, which likewise make me wonder…

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Notable Quote   
"The president flew into Wilmington, Del., on Sunday night, where his 54-year-old son's felony gun trial begins Monday, and will spend the whole day there with no official duties.Joe Biden's looming presence in the strange small city leaves nobody in any doubt of the message he is sending to Delaware special counsel David Weiss, to the prosecutors, the judge, and the jury pool being chosen Monday.…[more]
— Miranda Devine, New York Post
Liberty Poll   

Which would be the most useful for voters: a televised presidential debate that only includes Trump and Biden or one that adds Kennedy?