In our latest Liberty Update, we highlight how Americans have soured on "Bidenomics" despite Biden supporters…
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Image of the Day: Minorities Prospered Far More Under Trump

In our latest Liberty Update, we highlight how Americans have soured on "Bidenomics" despite Biden supporters' ongoing insistence that voters trust them rather than over three years of actual, real-life experience and hardship.  Well, our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity have highlighted another point that merits emphasis as minorities turn against Biden in his reelection effort.  Namely, they prospered far more under President Trump than President Biden:

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="691"] Minorities Prospered Far More Under Trump Than Biden[/caption]


June 09, 2024 • 10:40 PM

Liberty Update

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If You Don't Want To Be Killed, Don't Take Hostages Print
By David Harsanyi
Friday, June 14 2024
Israel is the only nation on earth that is tasked with protecting its own people and its enemies. Every innocent lost life is, of course, a tragedy. But if you don't want to be placed in harm's way, don't hold hostages in your homes and neighborhoods, and don't cheer and support a government that puts your life in constant danger for a lost cause.

The reaction to the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Gaza is a microcosm of the past 70 years of this conflict. Every time Palestinians pay the price for acting out in some horrific, irrational, self-destructive, violent way, their defenders want to rewind history to a more convenient moment  this time to Oct. 6, 2023.

Sorry, that's not how life works. Hamas, the chosen political entity of Gaza  the overwhelming choice of Palestinian civilians, in fact  launched this round of the conflict by massacring, sexually torturing and kidnapping Israelis whose only sin was attending a music festival. Palestinians took hundreds of these hostages back to the Gaza Strip  a place Arabs have political autonomy over for nearly 20 years  and held them in the middle of densely populated areas hoping to dissuade Israel from liberating them, or, if it did, to create as many martyrs as possible.

Critics of Israel now ask the usual dishonest question: Are four lives worth the alleged 200-plus Arabs who were lost rescuing them?

Israel is the only nation on earth that is tasked with protecting its own people and its enemies. Every innocent lost life is, of course, a tragedy. But if you don't want to be placed in harm's way, don't hold hostages in your homes and neighborhoods, and don't cheer and support a government that puts your life in constant danger for a lost cause. This is the reality of the world.

Now, if reports are correct, Hamas  and perhaps "civilians" (it's difficult to tell because terrorists are often dressed as noncombatants)  opened fire on the rescuers. The Israelis, who do not indiscriminately target civilians, fired back, as they should. Whatever the specifics, every lost life is Hamas' fault.

But, as always, it also needs to be stressed that the casualty numbers that are endlessly repeated by the establishment media are fiction  as everyone in those newsrooms is surely aware. So, we must assume outlets like The Washington Post and CNN  which also detestably contends that the hostages had been "released"  are fellow travelers. One BBC interviewer even asked an Israel Defense Forces spokesman if Israel had warned Palestinians of their sting operation.

Then again, even if there were over 200 dead, it is also surely the case that many of the dead were members of Hamas or holding hostages of their own volition or helping those holding hostages. Avoid doing so if you value your life.

The "Health Ministry" makes no distinction between terrorists and civilians, and in this case there might be little difference. Among those holding the Israelis hostage in their homes in Nuseirat, for instance, were a "journalist" (who apparently worked for Al Jazeera and the U.S.-based Palestine Chronicle, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit) and a "doctor." The entire neighborhood was ostensibly under U.N. control. We already know that U.N. workers had likely participated in the Oct. 7 kidnappings and UNRWA schools are used by Hamas bases of operation.

Even now, there's a (terrible) cease-fire deal on the table being pushed by President Joe Biden (still chumming for antisemitic votes) that Hamas continues to reject. Would we not expect the United States to act the same way as Israel if some homicidal cult had our people?

In the end, of course, this could all end today if the hostages were returned and Hamas would unconditionally surrender. Israel haters, who fashion themselves peaceniks, will blame everyone  Netanyahu, Biden, colonialism, racism, etc.  but the Islamists who are the cause of this war.

Then again, the entire conflict could end if the Palestinians would stop turning to nihilistic theocrats to lead them and accept Israel's existence.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books  the most recent, "Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent." 


Notable Quote   
"When they are sworn in on Jan. 3, 2025, the 119th Congress will likely be the most powerful in four decades. That is because the Supreme Court is expected to issue an opinion this month that rebalances the separation of powers, reining in regulatory overreach of government agencies and returning that power to the legislative branch. Is Congress ready for this?At issue is a 40-year-old legal doctrine…[more]
— Jessica Anderson, President of The Sentinel Action Fund
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