In recent weeks we at CFIF have criticized the Biden administration's indefensible legal crusade against…
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AEI Scholar: Biden Administration Targeting of Live Nation a "Historic Mistake"

In recent weeks we at CFIF have criticized the Biden administration's indefensible legal crusade against entertainment enterprise Live Nation, which promises nothing but a waste of judicial resources and litigation costs in its attempt to reverse a merger that the very same Department of Justice (DOJ) blessed just a few short years ago.

American Enterprise Institute (AEI) scholar and tech expert Mark Jamison adds his own intellectual heft to the issue in his new commentary "The Government Is Gunning for Live Nation.  It's Making a Historic Mistake":

The recent case filed by Department of Justice (DOJ) exemplifies the administration’s tendency to view company breakups as a panacea for perceived market ills.  The DOJ argues that Live Nation’s integration of concerts, event venue…[more]

June 24, 2024 • 01:25 PM

Liberty Update

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SCOTUS Takes on Congressional Malaise and Executive Branch Overreach
By Veronique de Rugy
Thursday, June 20 2024
The United States Constitution vests all legislative powers in Congress. Yet, over the past century, we've witnessed a disturbing trend of legislators increasingly delegating much of the authority to set the laws that govern the land to the executive branch, which includes unelected officials at administrative agencies. This undermines democratic accountability, contributes to government bloat and abuse of powers, and disrupts the balance of power crafted so carefully by the framers. Reasserting congressional authority is essential for maintaining a balanced government and ensuring that policies…
Supreme Court Rebukes Big Labor and Biden’s Arrogant Administrative State
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Ban Sanctuary Laws
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Democrats Turn Lawfare Into a Campaign Ad
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Some 40 Years Later: A Nation STILL at Risk
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If You Don't Want To Be Killed, Don't Take Hostages
The reaction to the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Gaza is a microcosm of the past 70 years of…
On Iran, Joe Biden Worse Than Jimmy Carter
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Biden Points the Bill (and the Blame) Elsewhere
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Biden Housing Scheme Could Ignite Another 2008 Mortgage Crisis
Politicians in Washington have very short memories, so they repeat the same mistakes over and over.…
Social Security Reform Is Coming (Really) and Will Bring Political Rewards
No matter what President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump promise you, and no matter its past…
Merrick Garland Shouldn't Be Praised. He Should Be Impeached
The day Merrick Garland was set to appear before Congress, The Wall Street Journal ran a piece exploring…
Notable Quote   
"Nothing proves that what goes around comes around like presidential debates. In their last meeting, Joe Biden gratuitously slammed Donald Trump for his Covid response. In their upcoming debate this Thursday, Trump should return the favor and remind viewers of the effects Biden's open-border policy has had on America's fentanyl crisis."Read the entire article here.…[more]
— J.T. Young, Former Congressional Staffer Who Also Served in the Department of Treasury and Office of Management and Budget
Liberty Poll   

As sheer entertainment, which political battles do you generally find to be the most fun?