At CFIF, the issue of improving taxpayer privacy and protection against persistent abuse by the Internal…
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Quote of the Day: Taxpayer Privacy and IRS Abuse

At CFIF, the issue of improving taxpayer privacy and protection against persistent abuse by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) remains among our most important missions.  Among the abuses that we've chronicled is the case of convicted criminal Charles Littlejohn, who rejoined the IRS in 2017 with the specific purpose of illegally breaching and leaking the private tax returns of Donald Trump and other Americans to radical left-wing organizations like ProPublica.

In The Wall Street Journal this week, one of those victims speaks out on his own experience and the need for greater taxpayer protection against this recurring problem that should terrify all Americans of every political persuasion.  Ira Stoll, whose tax information was passed to ProPublica, even helpfully details how…[more]

May 29, 2024 • 11:28 AM

Liberty Update

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Biden’s Drug Price Controls Already in Legal and Political Jeopardy
By Timothy H. Lee
Thursday, June 15 2023
Joe Biden apparently assumed that the drug price control provisions of his “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) offered a political slam-dunk in the leadup to the 2024 presidential campaign.   Although price controls violate immutable economic principles and maintain an unbroken record of failure across time and geography, they somehow retain a deceptive and stubborn allure.   On both the legal and political popularity fronts, however, Biden’s scheme already faces potentially devastating challenges.   On the legal front, two new federal lawsuits spearheaded…
Railroads Are Overwhelmingly Safe, but Congress Wants More
After many years of working in the policy world, I have concluded that politics is at most 10% about…
Dems Trash U.S. Constitution
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Donald Trump's Arraignment
A few days have passed since the Justice Department informed former President Donald Trump that he had…
To Reduce Airline Ticket Prices, Expand Washington's Reagan Airport
Those who live in or near the nation's capital, or routinely travel there, know that the Washington,…
Nothing To See Here but a Credible Whistleblower Accusing the President of Bribery
President Joe Biden has been accused by a credible informant of allegedly taking $5 million in "a…
Supreme Court: Unions Accountable for Deliberate Destruction
Should labor unions possess immunity to deliberately destroy employer property under the claim that such…
What to Make of New Projections of Big Government Savings
We have a debt-ceiling deal. It's a relief for most people. This deal avoids a default and the need for…
Remembering the Horrors of D-Day
Seventy-nine years ago this week, the Allies assaulted the Normandy beaches on D-Day, June 6, 1944.…
MS-13: From El Salvador to Your Neighborhood
MS-13 gang members commit savage crimes – beheading their targets with machetes, hacking…
Mike Pence's Ill-Starred Presidential Run
On paper, has there ever been a more qualified candidate for president than Mike Pence? Twelve years…
Notable Quote   
"In one of the darkest hours in American history, after an ex-president for the first time was convicted in criminal court, Alvin Bragg could only smile and banter with laughing reporters. 'I did my job,' the Manhattan district attorney declared to a breezy, whimsical news conference that belied the gravity of having just secured 34 felony convictions that could send Donald Trump to prison for life…[more]
— John Soloman, Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Just the News
Liberty Poll   

Which would be the most useful for voters: a televised presidential debate that only includes Trump and Biden or one that adds Kennedy?