In recent weeks we at CFIF have criticized the Biden administration's indefensible legal crusade against…
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AEI Scholar: Biden Administration Targeting of Live Nation a "Historic Mistake"

In recent weeks we at CFIF have criticized the Biden administration's indefensible legal crusade against entertainment enterprise Live Nation, which promises nothing but a waste of judicial resources and litigation costs in its attempt to reverse a merger that the very same Department of Justice (DOJ) blessed just a few short years ago.

American Enterprise Institute (AEI) scholar and tech expert Mark Jamison adds his own intellectual heft to the issue in his new commentary "The Government Is Gunning for Live Nation.  It's Making a Historic Mistake":

The recent case filed by Department of Justice (DOJ) exemplifies the administration’s tendency to view company breakups as a panacea for perceived market ills.  The DOJ argues that Live Nation’s integration of concerts, event venue…[more]

June 24, 2024 • 01:25 PM

Liberty Update

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What Biden Bull Market?
By Stephen Moore
Tuesday, February 20 2024
President Joe Biden is boasting about the recent stock market rally. He's right that stocks have been on a tear for the last 14 months. The S&P 500 hit 5,000 for the first time in history. That's up from 500 some 30 years ago.  Even with all our problems, the United States is the unrivaled alpha male nation. The dollar is the only currency that matters globally (the Euro and BRICS are weak little sisters), and for the first time, the U.S. economy produces far more than all of socialist Europe combined. Our Magnificent Seven technology firms – Amazon, Apple, Google, Nvidia…
Biden’s “Shrinkflation” Label Aptly Summarizes His Presidency
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The Biden, Schumer, Romney Foreign Aid Budget Buster
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Trump, NATO and the Media
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Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones
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Why Biden Is Threatening to Veto Aid to Israel
President Joe Biden promised to veto any stand-alone aid bill for Israel, and House Minority Leader Hakeem…
Biden Betrays Israel for Michigan Votes
By now it’s acknowledged even among increasingly despondent mainstream media that Joe Biden trails…
The CFPB Is Putting Our Banking Arrangements at Risk
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Biden, the Senate and the Border Fiasco
Joe Biden is supposed to know something about legislating. After all, he spent 36 years in the U.S. Senate.…
Dems Roll Out Welcome Mat for World's Criminals
Maria Manaura, who's been arrested at least eight times in the six months since she arrived in New York…
Biden's War Against the Internet
It's a miracle of private sector innovation and the magic of the free enterprise system that technologies…
Notable Quote   
"Nothing proves that what goes around comes around like presidential debates. In their last meeting, Joe Biden gratuitously slammed Donald Trump for his Covid response. In their upcoming debate this Thursday, Trump should return the favor and remind viewers of the effects Biden's open-border policy has had on America's fentanyl crisis."Read the entire article here.…[more]
— J.T. Young, Former Congressional Staffer Who Also Served in the Department of Treasury and Office of Management and Budget
Liberty Poll   

As sheer entertainment, which political battles do you generally find to be the most fun?