Below is one of the latest cartoons from Michael Ramirez on Vice President Kamala Harris' price controls…
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Kamala Harris' Price Controls

Below is one of the latest cartoons from Michael Ramirez on Vice President Kamala Harris' price controls:…[more]

August 30, 2024 • 10:10 AM

Liberty Update

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Don't Let Calm Seas in Uncharted Fiscal Waters Fool You
By Veronique de Rugy
Friday, July 05 2024
The United States is full steam ahead into uncharted fiscal waters, with rapidly growing federal debt promising a choppy economic future. Candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump have added trillions to the national debt during their recent presidential administrations, leaving America at a critical juncture that demands urgent, bipartisan action. If you read this column, you know the numbers are stark: U.S. government debt is projected to reach a staggering 122% of GDP by 2034, far surpassing levels seen even during World War II. Not only is that a sharp rise from the current 99%, but it's based…
Biden's Big Bluff
Until a week ago, President Joe Biden seemingly had the age issue under control. Yes, he had senior moments…
Supremes Refuse to Normalize Sleeping Rough
Whether you live in a city or a small town, you're a winner because of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision…
Save the Cows
Enjoy your cheeseburgers and steaks when you fire up the grill this Fourth of July weekend, because they…
There's a Charlottesville Every Week, and Joe Biden Is Fine With It
Not long ago, Snopes, a left-wing "fact-checking" site, finally admitted that Donald Trump…
Deficit Soars Again Under Biden
Among his litany of other bizarre fictions, Joe Biden continues to insist that he’s some sort of…
True Test of Leadership: Fiscal Responsibility in the Presidential Debate
During and after this week's presidential debate, we must look beyond rhetoric and personality to the…
Climate Change Movement Goes to Court – Will Judges Ban Fossil Fuels?
Things aren't going well at all for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of tax…
Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the US to Rapes and Wanton Violence
The United Nations calls it "femicide," the wanton assault, rape and murder of girls and women.…
Trump Talks Debate
Former President Donald Trump knows he overdid it in his first debate with Joe Biden back in September…
Why the Left Hates It When You Point Out We're 'a Republic, Not a Democracy'
For as long as I can remember, the Left has been sneering at anyone who points out that the United States…
Notable Quote   
"It's been 23 years since America watched in horror as the Twin Towers fell on live TV.Nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists, hailing from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon, hijacked four planes and killed 2,977 of us, shaking the nation to its core.America was suddenly, brutally awoken to the menace of those who hate our country and what we stand for.Heroes stood up: Todd Beamer and…[more]
— New York Post Editorial Board
Liberty Poll   

Given perennial accusations, do you believe a foreign state actor (read "Russia") has the actual capability to significantly affect a U.S. national election?