A Southern Connecticut State University graduate was awarded $47,000 in damages after she sued her father to force him to fulfill their agreement to pay for her college education.
Dana Soderberg filed a breach of contract lawsuit against her father, Howard Soderberg, a property developer, after he stopped paying her tuition just before her senior year. Filed as evidence of her claim, Soderberg submitted a copy of a written contract her father signed following his divorce from Dana's mother. According to news reports, the written contract required Howard to pay Dana's college tuition until she turned 25 and to cover student loans received by Dana.
In response to the lawsuit, Howard filed a counterclaim, alleging that Dana did not fulfill her side of the agreement because she didn't try hard enough to apply for student loans and that she dropped a few classes and kept the money for herself.
"Here his daughter's bringing him to court and there's no sadness, no remorse that his daughter was in this situation having to sue him," said Renee Berman, Dana's attorney. "Nothing that I've researched has shown any cases like this and hopefully there won't be any more, because it's a sad situation."
—Source: Yahoo!Finance.com