From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default…
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Image of the Day: Climate Change Causing Wildfires? No.

From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in California or elsewhere:


[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="874"] Climate Change? No.[/caption]


January 17, 2025 • 07:50 AM

Liberty Update

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Home Press Room Broad Coalition Expresses Strong Opposition to S.J. Res. 19
Broad Coalition Expresses Strong Opposition to S.J. Res. 19 Print
Wednesday, September 10 2014

In a letter sent this week to every member of the United States Senate, the Center for Individual Freedom (“CFIF”) joined with a coalition of 173 businesses and organizations to express strong opposition to S.J. Res. 19, a resolution that would effectively eliminate free speech and association rights currently guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The letter points out that the resolution: 

  1. “goes against the First Amendment’s bedrock principle that the government should not restrict expression based on its message, ideas, or content.”;

  2. “would dramatically increase the scope of federal and state speech regulation.”; and

  3. “significantly curtail the constitutionally protected right of freedom of association.

To read the entire letter, click here.

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