From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default…
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Image of the Day: Climate Change Causing Wildfires? No.

From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in California or elsewhere:


[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="874"] Climate Change? No.[/caption]


January 17, 2025 • 07:50 AM

Liberty Update

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Health Care
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91 Good and Bad News About Coronavirus

There's good news and bad news about coronavirus. First, there's reason for optimism. The virus struck only four months ago, yet we already know its genetic features. It took scientists years to get that far with HIV/AIDS. Antiviral drugs are in development, and a vaccine could be available within 18 months. The pace of scientific progress is breathtaking…

92 What We Don't Know About the Coronavirus is What Scares Us

The recent spread of the coronavirus is causing a global panic. Our shared terror arises not so much from the death toll of the new flu-like disease – more than 3,000 people have died worldwide – but from what we don't know about it. Experts at least agree that the virus originated in China. But Beijing's authoritarian government…

93 What the First Coronavirus Deaths Tell Us

The first nine coronavirus deaths in the U.S. show the biggest risks are not traveling internationally, riding mass transit or attending a crowded event. The most dangerous place to be is in a rehab or nursing home. The second-most dangerous is a hospital. Five residents of the Life Care Center, a nursing facility in Kirkland, Washington, have died…

94 Coronavirus: Dire Warnings and Vulnerabilities

With outbreaks raging in Italy, Iran, South Korea and other countries, U.S. authorities now predict coronavirus will strike Americans here, causing "significant disruptions to our lives." The warning came from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official Nancy Messonnier at a Tuesday briefing. If the virus – now dubbed…

95 Federal Health Bureaucrats Unprepared for Coronavirus

Federal health bureaucrats deserve an F grade for preparedness. Despite years of warnings about America's overdependence on China for medicines, masks and other equipment, these officials did nothing to remedy the situation. Now, these same officials tell us we're facing an "unprecedented public health threat" from coronavirus, now COVID-…

96 Trump Right to Restrict Travel to Fight Coronavirus

Chinese government officials and the World Health Organization are bad-mouthing the Trump administration for trying to stop the coronavirus from invading the United States. The Trump administration is barring foreigners who have been in China recently from entering the U.S. Americans returning from China are quarantined for 14 days. China accuses Trump…

97 Socialist Drug Price Controls Have No Place in America

Pssst…  Want to turn American healthcare into the equivalent of this week’s Iowa Democratic caucus fiasco?  Just import foreign drug price controls to the United States, and voila.  The same types of people who couldn’t manage to introduce a new app in a caucus involving a few thousand people on a single night in…

98 CFIF to Congress: Don’t Mimic California’s Failures in Addressing Surprise Medical Billing Problem

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Surprise medical billing – which occurs when patients suddenly receive unexpected bills from medical providers not covered by their insurance – remains an important issue demanding a Congressional solution.  According to numerous reports, it now appears that Congressional legislation addressing the issue will…

99 CFIF Urges “No” Vote on H.R. 3, Speaker Pelosi’s Destructive Drug Pricing Bill

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on Speaker Nancy Pelosi's H.R. 3, the "Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019."  The Center for Individual Freedom ("CFIF") is urging all House Members to vote "No," as the legislation would, among other significant issues, stifle innovation,…

100 CFIF Letter to House Ways and Means Committee in Opposition to H.R.3

October 22, 2019   United States House of Representatives  Committee on Ways and Means  1102 Longworth House Office Building  Washington, D.C.  20515    Dear House Ways and Means Committee Members and Staff:    On behalf of the Center for Individual Freedom (hereinafter “CFIF”)…

101 Pelosi’s Healthcare Monstrosity Seeks Traction

As the 2020 presidential campaign accelerates, it increasingly resembles some leftist avant-garde circus of the absurd.   Apparently, no policy position appears too extreme as the candidates’ jostle for attention and radical chic street cred.  Door-to-door firearms confiscation?  Open borders?  “Free” college…

102 CFIF Joins Coalition Opposing Pelosi Drug Tax Plan

The Center for Individual Freedom (“CFIF”) today joined a coalition letter signed by more than 70 organizations and activists in opposition to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s drug pricing proposal (H.R. 3).  The letter, addressed to Congress and which was organized by Americans for Tax Reform, is pasted below or can be read here…

103 Politicians Sell Out Patients

Whether you live in New York, California or the heartland in between, you depend on state government to ensure your hospital is safe. After all, when you're a patient, your life is on the line. But state health departments have become captives of the health care industry because of huge campaign contributions and lobbying. What's happening in New York…

104 The On-The-Job Coverage Rip-Off

Employer-provided health plans now cost a gigantic $20,576 a year for family coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Technically, the employer pays most of it, but labor costs are labor costs. The more that's spent on benefits the less can go to wages. In reality, it's $20,000 out of every worker's pocket — money that could…

105 CFIF Opposes H.R. 3, Pelosi’s Socialized Medicine Bill

ALEXANDRIA, VA – This week, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D - California) introduced H.R. 3, her long-anticipated, hyper-partisan scheme to impose a socialized drug pricing system and reorder American medical care to her liking.  In response, Center for Individual Freedom ("CFIF") President Jeffrey Mazzella issued the following…

106 Dems' Health Care Whoppers

When it comes to health care, Democrats are selling snake oil. Americans are grappling with rising medical costs. But if they fall for the phony solutions the left is offering, they'll pay with exorbitant taxes and shorter lives. Whopper 1: Obamacare is affordable. Joe Biden's running a television ad in Iowa pledging to stand by Obamacare because &…

107 Socialized Medicine Proposals Upset Labor Union Apple Cart

Michael Barone, the dean of American politics, has often observed that the omnipresent challenge facing the Democratic party throughout its long history has been the task of proverbially herding cats.  That is, Democrats have always been a tenuous amalgam of disparate and sometimes conflicting splinter groups and special interests.  As Barone…

108 Feds' Outdated Cancer Advice Deadly to Patients

When it comes to protecting yourself from cancer, don't take the government's word. Listen to the experts. The biggest cancer killer isn't smoking or a chemical in the environment or even an inherited gene. It's the failure to screen patients at high risk of the disease. Curing cancer is about detecting it early, while it's still treatable. Blame…

109 Democrats to Seniors: Drop Dead

If you're already on Medicare or counting on it when you retire, you're in for a shock. Medicare Part A — the fund that pays hospital and nursing home bills — is running out of money. A mere seven years from now, it will no longer have enough funds to pay your providers' bills in full. Medicare trustees sounded the alarm in June…

110 The Truth About Kamalacare

Arming herself for Wednesday night's Democratic primary debate, contender Kamala Harris unveiled her latest health care position paper. Harris has flip-flopped over whether she supports eliminating all private insurance in favor of a single-payer government-run health system. Her new plan tries to have it both ways. Don't be fooled. Reacting to people…

111 Healthcare: Beware Price Controls and Weaker Patent Protections

As debate over healthcare policy accelerates, a small number of otherwise conservative and libertarian voices who should know better have begun floating destructive proposals that would only make matters worse.  As an initial matter, it’s worth highlighting an encouraging recent Gallup survey that may surprise some.  Namely, a remarkable…

112 A Cancer Stigma Killing Thousands

The nation's biggest meeting of cancer specialists unveiled several breakthroughs on Saturday. The horrible news is what's not improving. Only a miniscule 4% of men and women at high risk of getting lung cancer from smoking go for a CT scan to detect it while it's curable. That 4% figure has barely budged in a decade. Lung cancer detected before there…

113 Better Than Obamacare

"If the Supreme Court rules that Obamacare is out, we'll have a plan that is far better than Obamacare," President Donald Trump pledged Wednesday. Democrats and their media toadies attacked, claiming Trump will sucker-punch consumers with "junk" plans and abandon people with preexisting conditions — even cause about 20…

114 Health Care Computers Can Kill You

Texting while driving is so dangerous that it's outlawed. But doctors and nurses are expected to care for patients while keeping their eyes glued to a computer screen, following prompts and clicking boxes. Some electronic health record systems require 62 clicks just to order Tylenol, and a full emergency room shift involves 4,000 computer clicks. No…

115 Left-Wing Activists Target Hard-Won Intellectual Property Gains in New US-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement

Among the Trump Administration’s most important but underappreciated achievements is the way it managed to strengthen American intellectual property (IP) protections while renegotiating the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into the new United States-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement (USMCA) last year.  That includes…

116 'Medicare-for-All' Would Take Most of Your Paycheck

In a crowded field of Democrats vying for the presidency in 2020, one thing stands out. "Medicare-for-all" tops their campaign promises. On Sunday, the latest to announce, former Obama cabinet official Julian Castro, pledged to make Medicare-for-All a reality. But these candidates would rather walk on hot coals than tell you what "Medicare…

117 Trump's Making Health Insurance More Affordable

A federal district judge struck down the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional on Friday, in a lawsuit brought by Republican officials from 20 states. They want their residents to have more insurance choices and lower premiums. Though technically the suing states won in Texas v. Azar, their victory won't help consumers reeling from Obamacare sticker…

118 New Alzheimer's Vaccine Highlights Value of America's Pharmaceutical Sector

Is there a more dreaded or dreadful disease than Alzheimer's?  According to a Marist Institute survey, it now maintains a 44% to 31% lead over cancer as the most feared disease among Americans.  Heart disease, cancer, accidents, respiratory disease and strokes exceed Alzheimer's as a cause of death in the United States.  But its increasing…

119 On Pharmaceuticals, HHS Contemplates Disastrous New Price Controls

When you think of government price controls, what images immediately come to mind?  For Americans of Generation X or older, it might be depressingly long lines of cars snaking down public streets attempting to buy gas during the 1970s.  For others, it might be contemporary Venezuelan grocery store shelves, emptied of even such basic staples…

120 'Medicare-for-All': A Disaster

Senator Bernie Sanders says that because Medicare is "the most popular, successful and cost-effective health insurance in the country" everyone should have it, regardless of age. But watch out for the bait and switch. Truth is, Sanders' "Medicare-for-All" legislation actually abolishes Medicare and Medicare Advantage, as well as…

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Notable Quote   
"In a letter that no doubt sent shock waves through Washington's permanent, untouchable bureaucracy, President Donald Trump's acting solicitor general, Sarah Harris, sent a letter to Congress on Wednesday informing it that the Justice Department will no longer defend the constitutionality of federal laws that limit the ability of the president to remove the heads of 'multimember regulatory commissions…[more]
— Hans von Spakovsky, a Senior Legal Fellow in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation
Liberty Poll   

Which of the following actions regarding the federal Department of Education most closely represents your personal view?