June 16th, 2011 1:30 pm
Palin’s Emails Show She’s Smarter than Critics Think
Glenn Beck’s The Blaze has compiled the findings of two different analyses on Sarah Palin’s recently released emails from her time as Alaska’s governor. Key finding: Palin’s emails indicate she has writing skills equal to an 8th grader.
If that doesn’t sound necessarily impressive, consider that Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is scored as 9th grade level, while Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech” is between 8th and 9th grade level.
And let’s not forget Palin’s sample came from emails she was dashing off to staff. According to the analysts, Palin’s writing abilities exceed those of most Americans and most American CEOs.
Not bad for a Grizzly Mama unilaterally disdained for her lack of intellect.