
Archive for May, 2021
May 13th, 2021 at 8:59 pm
Image of the Day: Private Sector Pharmaceutical Investment Propels Innovation
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As we’ve highlighted, the dangerous effort to weaken critical patent protections for U.S. pharmaceutical innovators often minimizes the role of private investment and exaggerates the role of public funding.  This offers a critical corrective at a moment when American drug and vaccine innovation is more important than ever:

The Critical Role of Private Pharmaceutical Investment

The Critical Role of Private Pharmaceutical Investment

May 4th, 2021 at 7:25 pm
Image of the Day: Electric Vehicle Irrationality
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As Congress considers the so-called “Clean Future Act,” which would unfairly allow utilities to pass the cost of electric vehicle charging stations that overwhelmingly benefit the rich to all utility customers, it’s worth highlighting how even the New York Times acknowledges how impossible “Green New Deal” dreams for EVs really are:

Impossible Electric Vehicle Dreams

Impossible Electric Vehicle Dreams