Image of the Day: People Flee Blue States
Credit to Axios, whose image again prompts the question: If the political left possesses the superior governance model, then why do people flee places where it is put into effect? Just asking.
Credit to Axios, whose image again prompts the question: If the political left possesses the superior governance model, then why do people flee places where it is put into effect? Just asking.
We continue to highlight the potentially disastrous consequences if the Biden Administration FCC revives the “Net Neutrality” zombie briefly imposed by the Obama Administration, which caused private broadband investment to decline for the first time in history outside of a recession.
When the FCC under Ajit Pai reversed the Obama FCC’s order in 2017, the usual litany of partisan leftists and latenight comedians predicted disaster. Instead, as we’ve often noted, investment and internet speeds proceeded to increase.
Well, something else increased: American consumers’ satisfaction with their internet service. Something to keep in mind as the needless “Net Neutrality” debate returns:
In our latest Liberty Update, we highlight how the Biden Administration is inexplicably resurrecting the zombie “Net Neutrality” that caused demonstrable harm to internet service during its mercifully brief lifetime at the end of the Obama Administration. Once again, our friend economist Steve Moore illustrates one of the critical points in this debate well. Namely, internet speeds shot back sharply upward after the Trump Administration FCC under Ajit Pai repealed the Obama FCC’s Title II-Net Neutrality order:
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