June 27th, 2011 11:40 am
RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn” on WEBY Radio 1330 AM
Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CST to 6:00 p.m. CST (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn.” Today’s guest lineup includes:
- 4:00 p.m. CST/5:00 p.m. EST: Nina Sankovitch, author, “Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading”;
- 4:30 p.m. CST/5:30 p.m. EST: Bob Dorigo Jones, Wacky Warning Labels and Legal Reform Update;
- 5:00 p.m. CST/6:00 p.m. EST: John Yoo, Presidential War Powers; and
- 5:30 p.m. CST/6:30 p.m. EST: Megan Brown, U.S. Supreme Court Update.
Listen live on the Internet here. Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.
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