There are few things more annoying than trying to compete against someone who won’t play the game.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) expresses the frustration of many conservatives who want a real debate about the purposes of government and our ability as a nation to fund them. Ryan rightly chides President Obama for failing to engage in specifics about how to focus policymakers’ attention on the debt, not just its ceiling.
It is mystifying to me that the president continues to shut out Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” proposal as a middle ground between bankrupting Medicare and Medicaid and eliminating them altogether.
One would think The One could see a Clintonian moment when presented. But rather than see Ryan’s willingness to preserve the social safety net for what it is – a path to a long-term bipartisan solution – the president can’t see past his own partisan nose.
Yet instead of laying out his own vision, President Obama continues to offer speeches instead of specifics. Lots of us want a debate about the ends of government, and how we structure our economy to pay for it. If the leader of the Democratic Party won’t engage in a serious debate about it, maybe the Democrats should get someone who will.