This defines cognitive dissonance. The Obama Administration continues to scratch its collective head, wondering why its record deficit spending “stimulus” and big government onslaught has failed to create jobs. Meanwhile, its own Department of Justice sues an iconic American company that creates them.
Just today, AT&T announced that it is relocating thousands of jobs from overseas back to American shores. But also today, the Obama Department of Justice – you know, the one ultimately behind the disastrous “Operation Fast and Furious” – sued to block the proposed private merger between AT&T and T-Mobile. Ponder that irony for a moment. The Obama Administration, which has done so much to interfere with job creation since the recession officially ended all the way back in June 2009, is suing an employer that at this very moment is orchestrating the return of thousands of jobs to the United States.
Perhaps we shouldn’t find this surprising. After all, the Obama Administration is also in the process of persecuting Boeing, America’s largest exporter, simply for electing to locate a manufacturing plant in South Carolina. But that doesn’t make its behavior any less despicable or destructive. If Obama truly wants to prove to the electorate that he seeks economic recovery, he must reverse this policy course within his administration. Immediately.