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October 16th, 2009 1:28 pm
“But If You Go Carryin’ Pictures of Chairman Mao…”
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In the famous Beatles song “Revolution,” which mocked irrational 1960s radicals, John Lennon sang, “but if you go carryin’ pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.”  Well, anyone other than the Obama Administration, that is.

In this video from Fox News’s Glenn Beck, leading Obama Administration spokeswoman Anita Dunn explicitly identifies murderous Chinese dictator Mao Tse-Tung as one of her two guiding philosophical beacons during a speech.  And she doesn’t stop there – she expounds by quoting him and recounting his campaigns at some length.  And to think…  One year ago, Obama’s apologists dismissed the Reverend Jeremiah Wright association as an aberration and mere Republican bogeyman.  But now, we see the truth is that people like Ms. Dunn, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and Van Jones represent Obama’s ideological core, not some fringe set of associations.  So when you’re tempted to think to yourself that one of Obama’s agenda items can’t really be as bad as critics portray, the reality is in fact probably even worse.

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