Thank goodness that Senator Judd Gregg (R – NH) called the Obama Administration out on its habit of scapegoating its fiscal irresponsibility on former President Bush.
Whenever confronted with questions about their alarming fiscal trajectory, which will quickly double and then triple America’s cumulative national debt, Obama Administration officials invariably seem to rationalize it as an inheritance from the Bush Administration. Never mind, of course, that then-Senator Obama voted for such things as last fall’s questionable bailout proposal. And granted, the Bush Administration was far from perfect in its frequent fiscal misbehavior. But the simple fact is that Obama’s budgetary agenda is like “Bush on steroids,” as one observer noted.
And appearing on CNN’s State of the Union yesterday, Senator Gregg refreshingly pointed out that Obama’s fiscal insanity is in a category of its own. Addressing Obama’s deficit projections, Sen. Gregg said, “you can’t blame that on George Bush,” because each of the next ten years will witness deficits exceeding $1 trillion. He also noted that the nation’s debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) will skyrocket from 40% to “banana republic” levels of 80%.
Who knows how much longer the mainstream media will allow Obama’s apologists to repeat this canard, but we owe Senator Gregg our gratitude for eviscerating it in vivid terms.
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