Over at Ricochet, I have my take on the growing meme that President Obama doesn’t really want a second term. My take is different: he wants it all right, but his appetite for prestige and power is tempered by his disdain for the mechanics of the job:
Obama considers it an affront when people fail to accept his brilliance as a given. The man has simply never had to win on the merits. Like most professionals who manage to trade exclusively on personality, he has rocketed to the level of his incompetence. And now, when people actually question him, the sense of righteousness that has calcified around an unchallenged ideology has left him at a loss to construct a rejoinder: how, after all, do you debate someone trapped in false consciousness? Barack is still trying to figure out how to tell us that we’re only staring at shadows on the cave wall.
Read the whole thing here.
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