If U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-MA) becomes the next Secretary of State, expect several dominos to fall. Soon-to-be-former Senator Scott Brown seems poised to run in yet another special election. Bay State Tea Party groups will have to decide whether to support a member-turned-establishment figure like Brown over someone more conservative, but arguably less able to win.
And then there’s Ben Affleck. What? According to The Daily Caller, Affleck, the Hollywood star and Massachusetts native, recently met privately with Senator Kerry in Washington, D.C., possibly to discuss running for the latter’s open seat in 2013. If you’re looking for qualifications, Affleck graduated from Harvard, won an Academy Award for co-writing “Good Will Hunting,” and founded the East Congo Initiative. Oh, he’s also married to actress Jennifer Garner.
But if Affleck isn’t your ideal Senator, remember, it could be worse. Minnesota gave us Saturday Night Live’s Al Franken. If Affleck takes a pass, America could get his friend and Palin-hater, Matt Damon. Can you imagine Damon and Elizabeth Warren together?