The thrill is gone, apparently.
According to a Gallup poll released today, fewer Americans watched yesterday’s inaugural ceremony or news coverage of it than they did George W. Bush’s second inaugural in 2005. Only 38% said that they watched yesterday’s ceremony, down from 40% in 2005, and only 27% “watched, listened to, or read news reports about the inauguration ceremonies” yesterday versus 33% in 2005. Moreover, Americans are less hopeful based on what they read or heard about Obama’s second inauguration than they were after Bush’s. Just “37% of Americans said they are now more hopeful about the next four years after Monday’s presidential inauguration ceremonies,” compared to 43% in 2005. Some 27% said that yesterday’s inauguration made them “less hopeful,” two points worse than in 2005.
The change he brought turned out to be less hope.
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