Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker won his third gubernatorial election in four years this week, and he’s already drawing fire from national liberal pundits trying to squelch any idea he could be the GOP presidential nominee in 2016.
Welcome to Walker’s victory lap.
After coming into office on the 2010 Republican wave election, Walker survived a 2012 recall attempt spurred by his reforms that loosened the public labor unions’ grip on the state’s budget. Walker’s 2014 reelection – by the same six point margin as in 2010 and one point shy of his 2012 mark – gives him an excellent springboard to run as a reformer-with-results. What other potential GOP White House hopeful can boast such an impressive policy and electoral record in a purple state?
Officially undeclared, Walker remains a dark horse candidate in a field that will likely be crowded with more familiar names like Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. Still, based on record Walker compares favorably. Bush has been out of office since 2006 and all the other top shelf contenders are sitting U.S. Senators who have labored in the minority for their entire tenure.
Walker knows what it takes to get big ideas implemented, and he has the battle scars to prove it.
Of course he’ll need to cultivate a national profile, but the release of his memoir, Unintimidated: A Governor’s Story and a Nation’s Challenge, is likely to be just the first step in that process.
Come January 2015, we may be hearing even more from the Wonder Worker of Wisconsin.