October 25th, 2016 4:50 pm
CFIF Statement on Lawsuit Challenging Nashville’s ‘One Touch Make Ready’ Ordinance
Today, Comcast filed a federal lawsuit against Nashville’s “One Touch Make Ready” ordinance. In response, Center for Individual Freedom (“CFIF”) President Jeffrey Mazzella released the following statement:
We strongly support this litigation and Comcast’s right to protect its property, its reputation and the continuity of service its customers expect against destructive government intervention. There is no doubt that the One Touch Make Ready ordinance passed by Metro Council runs afoul of established law and violates the most basic principles of fairness. A judicial decision that blocks this ordinance cannot come soon enough.
CFIF has been a vocal opponent of so-called One Touch Make Ready laws, including the one passed last month by Nashville’s Metro Council. For more information on CFIF’s opposition to the Nashville ordinance, read, “Metro Council must reject Google Fiber ordinance,” which was published in The Tennessean on September 4, 2016.
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