As we emerge from Memorial Day, Gallup has released a new poll that offers both encouraging and unsettling takeaways.
On the positive side, Americans overall remain extremely favorable toward all five military branches. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard receive “Very Favorable” ratings of 53%, 55%, 57%, 59% and 54%, respectively. For anyone who remembers the post-Vietnam and Carter era malaise, that has to come as welcome news.
Unfortunately, it appears that even military esteem is subject to our deepening partisan divides:
Differences emerge, however, by political party, race and age. Republicans, non-Hispanic whites and those aged 55 and older who are aware of each branch are much more likely to have strongly favorable views of each of the five branches than are Democrats, nonwhites or those younger than 35. The biggest gaps in favorable opinion are between Republicans and Democrats (including those who lean to either party). The largest is a 35-point difference in views toward the Navy, with 74% of Republicans versus 39% of Democrats having strongly favorable views…
Whatever one’s political affiliation, it would be a tragedy for the military to become another outlet for expression of partisanship. We live in far too dangerous a world, and hopefully this gap diminishes soon.