“Nothing to see here, folks… Move along.”
That was the convenient and laughable conclusion of a self-serving ACORN-supported investigation.
You remember ACORN… It recently became famous for being caught red-handed on hidden video on multiple occasions and at multiple sites sharing advice on how to use government largess to engage in child prostitution. Well, ACORN’s executives hired former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger to investigate. The conclusion? “We did not find a pattern of intentional, illegal conduct by ACORN staff involved. In fact, no action, illegal or otherwise, was ever taken by any ACORN employee on behalf of the videographers.”
Other than dispensing advice for all the world to see with their own eyes, that is.
Tellingly, ACORN and Mr. Harshbarger refused to admit how much his law firm was paid for his “investigation.” ACORN’s CEO Bertha Lewis conveniently demurred, saying that its board would have to determine at some later date whether to disclose that amount.
Perhaps that’s a subject for the next undercover investigation…