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February 8th, 2010 1:51 pm
Audi Inadvertently Stumbles on the Truth
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Think of it as the “demon sheep” ad of the Super Bowl (though with much better production values).

During last night’s NFL championship– an event that has become an annual testimony to the incompetence of Madison Avenue ad firms — German automaker Audi aired a commercial intended to showcase that their A3 model is both stylish and green. Boy, did it backfire.

Rather than talking about the closing seconds of the ad, where the A3 breaks out of gridlock to show off its moves, the public focused more on the first 90 percent of the ad — which showed a world dominated by “green police” monitoring the public’s every environmental trespass. It took some pretty tin-eared writing to pitch a green car with the right’ s narrative of environmental statism. It doesn’t work as advertising — but it was a delightful change of pace for those of us who are sick of the MSM hawking global warming ad nauseam.

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