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March 25th, 2010 2:14 pm
Obama Joins Those Urging Efforts to Repeal ObamaCare!
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In a speech in Iowa City, Iowa today, President Obama urged Republicans to “Be my guest,” and, “Go for it,” in efforts to repeal ObamaCare.

His tone was mocking, taunting, laying down a political challenge.

We don’t know the tone of the American people polled by CBS News yesterday.  Presumably it was serious.  They were asked, “Should Republicans continue to challenge the health care bill?”  Overall, sixty-two percent said yes, including 89 percent of Republicans, 66 percent of Independents and 41 percent of Democrats (who somehow seem to have taken a pass on the Inside the Beltway Democratic exuberance).

Go for it, indeed, because those are tripartisan landslide numbers, anyway you slice them, anyway you dice them.

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